FYI, I have created a Node-RED contrib library to allow direct integration with Homey from within Node-RED flows.
It uses the standard homey-api calls.
It currenty supports:
- reading / writing device capabilites from within Node-RED
- listening to device capability changes in Node-RED
- reading/ writing logic variable values fron winth Node-RED
see node-red-homey (node) - Node-RED for more info
Ooh, that’s great stuff. I already gave up on this ever happening.
I’ll give this a try tonight, thank you!
Seems to be working great, maybe in a future version you can include a dropdown list with the different capabilities?
And while on that subject, do you know how to get the data from a dummy “advanced capabilities” device? I thought measure_temperature would work but it does not…
Maybe if possible a new node that shows the capabilites of the selected device (not sure if thats possible though)
Using the “homey-device-listen” seems to work but can be tricky since it only triggers if there is a change. The advanced capabilities device i’m looking for had the following ID : measure_devicecapabilities_number-custom_26.number1
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FYI, an easy way to find the exact capability id’s for a device is via the devices on the homey developer site.