[Inspiration] Daily energy prices chart (using Power by the Hour)

@Stikstof , thx for the inspiration. Despite @Gruijter added the image’s to PBTH, i wanted to learn from this for myself, and created my own image, based on your code, with some modifications

  • I’m using the “komende uren”/“coming hours” JSON from PBTH
  • i changed the labels on the x-axis, so it starts with current hour (@Gruijter i can share the solution with you… :wink: )
  • i changed the colours, they are dynamic, based on averega price. So purple is negative price, light green is price 10% under average, orange is price 10% above average and darkgreen is between them. (so it is aligned with my homey script with notification of new prices)
  • i added a title with average price.

I trigger this image from a flow and send it with push message like your tutorial. Thx for this :slight_smile:

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