How can I use 433Mhz?

Hello everyone, I’m new to this, but I’m interested in learning more about Homey. I’ve seen that it’s capable of copying 433MHz signals, and that’s exactly what I’ve done with the Homey developer Tool. My question is, after copying that signal, how can I create a virtual button or something similar that can replicate the copied signal?

Thank you

Sorry, you can only use the copied signal when you write an app which can transmit it.
Here’s a 433MHz example app you can use to start up

Thank you :grinning:

You can use a virtual button, or any KaKu receiver, like wall plug, and copy the code using a remote control or other device capable of sending a code. When you click the tile of the wall plug, Homey sends the code to the (non existing) wall plug.

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