[Requests] Homey Pro Community App Requests


What is the brand:

What is/are the device(s)/service for type:
Magnum MRC remote thermostat WiFi
Under floor electrical heating controller

What kind of category/signal(s) would the app use:
IP (Local/Cloud/WiFi) , Tuya Cloud

Is there an (public) API / documentation / manual(s) or known (other) implementations (like Blogs/Github etc)?

  • Magnum have their own app on iOS/Android
  • supported by Google Assistent and Amazon Alexa
  • it is a branded Tuya device
  • Request to add thermostat in Tuya app on Github

Are you willing to loan or donate to a developer?

  • Yes, donate coffee or pay for an app. :slight_smile:

Extra information:

This WiFi controller is now standard in any Magnum Floor heating set, so installed base will increase.
Also Price is affordable to replace current thermostats.

Found an entry on a Home Assistent forum where they got it to work in a roundabout way.