Homey en KaKu/Sonos/hue

Hi, I recently bought myself a new homey Pro. Will be moving in to my new house in a few weeks and cant’t wait to start implementing homey…

I am using 6 separate lighting zones in my downstairs area which are all dimmable switches from KlikAanKlikUit.

Question; do I need the base station from KaKu or can I use them directly onto Homey. Same with Hue and/or Sonos.

Thanks a bunch!

You can use the KaKu devices directly with Homey, there is no need to get the Base station. The same with Hue, only thing to consider is that you are unable to upgrade the Hue bulbs if you’re not using the Hue bridge.

Thanks for your quick response.
So if you want to update, the bridges are needed.
Is this the same with KaKu?

KaKu does not update and doesn’t need a bridge.