[Requests] Homey Pro Community App Requests

What kind of device would you like to be added :

Danfoss Ally™ - Danfoss’s new front runner in smart heating solutions.

What kind of category signal would the app use :

  • Zigbee

Danfoss Ally™ Radiator Thermostat is a Zigbee 3.0 certified product, compatible with Danfoss Ally Gateway™ and with third party systems using Zigbee protocol.

Is there a (public) API / documentation / manuals or known other implementations (like Blogs/Github etc)

Homey App: Danfoss (Danfoss Ally™ thermostat is not yet supported)
Webpage: Danfoss Ally™ support
PDF folder: Danfoss Ally™ Cloud API
HA forum: How do I get Danfoss Ally thermostat exposed in HA from deCONZ?
Github: Danfoss Ally #2983

Are you willing to loan or donate a device or money to a developer?

I can loan a thermostat to a developer.