Hi all,
I have seen that on 9th Jan 2024 my Homey Pro (early 2023) got updated to version 10.2.1 and since then I cannot control any KNX devices. All of them are unavailable with the message: Selected IP interface not found.
This is the interface I have EIB KNX IP Interface PoE (Manufacturer: EIBMARKT, N000401)
with which I could use my KNX devices from Homey.
The KNX-IP interface works from ETS where I can use it to monitor KNX BUS activity.
I tried all the workarounds/solutions I found on the forum to no avail:
restart the KNX app
restart Homey
restart the KNX-IP interface
physically moving the KNX-IP interface far from power cables
Try to adding a new KNX device (a dimmer) to make Homey discover the KNX-IP interface
Checking wifi setting for Homey: it’s 2.4GHz
I suspect the problem is with the new 10.2.1 Homey version
Is there anyone else experiencing the same problem? Any solution/workaround that works?
I get an answer from Athom after I opened a ticket.
Uninstall the KNX app and re-install it.
Side-effect: you lose all your defined KNX devices , but after that and redefining the devices, it started working again.
I have just installed the box with a full KNX installation and this is the second time that it has done this.
I restart the KNX application on Homey, wait 10 minutes and then go to any device and delete the IP address, save, then put it back and everything works.
I made this message because I had just unplugged the box and I had the problem again
I do have the same problem form time to time. I disabled automatic updates for the KNX app.
Still the problem returns sometimes.
This morning I tried the following:
Choose a KNX switch which is marked with an exclamation mark.
Go to settings (right hand corner at the top)
Change the IP interface adress to a nonexistent value
Store the value
Restore the IP interface Adress to the right value
Store the value .
This avoids the deleting of all KNX devices and redefining them again.
Same problem here. Sometimes it works for some days, some days I get the red triangles with exclamation marks twice a day. Restarting the KNX app doesn’t give any solution, restarting the homey via the settings of the homey neither. unplugging the homey for 10 seconds works.
i had the same issue.
I removed all my temperature sensors which solved the situation.
Remained stable for over a month.
Re-added sensors again today… hoping its resolved now…
Not yet.
The last time I needed this “reset” is several weeks ago. So far so good. If someone would have a permanent solution I am of course interested.
I’m experiencing this issue now every day. Shutting down my homey for about 15 seconds does the trick.
Unbelievable this hasn’t been fixed after 6 months.
I get more and more the feeling I’ve bought somthing on Alibaba.
I have been using knx since 2019. It was a disaster at the beginning, then it improved a lot. Must said that the last updates reduced a lot the stability and I have problems quite regularly again. The main difference from the past is that now it’s enough to restart the app and after a while the system find again the knx interface. In the past I was forced to simulate to add a new device and enter manually ip interface. In this way the system found again interface and all the devices.