Handling Else-If scenarios in flows

Hi again,

Do you have any idea why my device turned off 06.00 and not 05.30 as it should’ve? :open_mouth:

The flow will only trigger when the price changes, so if that was not until 6 it would explain it?

Add another trigger card if you want 5:30 to be a stop condition:

Also, I’m not sure if the between 00:00 and 05:30 would be true at 5:30, so maybe if the price changed at 05:30 it would still pass through the true route.

Thank you for the reply.

I am not sure either. Maybe “the price has changed” card is not right here. As long as the price is lowest hours, the trigger can be the time, is that possible?

I thought that the timecard would send not true at 05.30 and my device will turn off. That was at least my intention :smiley:

The timecard is a conditional card (most AND cards are).
The trigger cards send the signal when something’s changed, the timecard says OK, or Not OK when, in your case, the time of the trigger is between 2 points in time or not.

It does not send signals or trigger by itself. It’s a ‘decision’ card for incoming signals.

If you want the charger to start at 0:00 when the price is lowest for next 12h, and stop it at 5:30h, do:
-the time is 0:00h
-the price is lowest for next 12h
-start charging

-the time is 5:30h
-stop charging

Thank you again, will try this out! :slight_smile:

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Will this situation be the same?

I am converting my normal flows to advanced flows.

Here I want my heating pump to adjust to a certain temperature if the day is either saturday or sunday.


Will this be the same as setting up the card with: The day is between saturday and sunday like I have done here?
