Get triggered device via homeyscript in flow


I’m trying to setup a simple flow using virtual devices to control lights in each of my zones.
The flow starts using when “A virtual device changed” and then launches a HomeyScript.
I’m trying to get the id or the name of the virtual device that triggered the flow, but there is no tag attached to the card.

Is there a simple way (or even a complicated one) to get it?

Thanks for the help !


Which app? The Homey VD’s, the Virtual Devices app, or Advanced virtual devices from the Device Capabilities app?

I m using the virtual devices app from arie j. Godschalk.

I have virtual switches with dim, hue, and intensity properties.

I can add a screenshot of The flow if needed!

Yes please

Can’t find such card :man_shrugging:

Checked the „Virtual device“ app by Arie and the changed card is the only card in „when“. It provides for an „and card“ the info about the triggering device