[Feature Request] Multiple Geofences

It would be very helpful, to define multiple geofences (position and radius) and start flows depending on auser enters or leaves one.
For example [User leaves geofence “work”] → [Set temperature to 21]


I’m using the iOs app ‘Locative’ for this.
When entering or leaving a location the app can send a webhook.
the webhook contains a flowname and a tag.

The big downside here, using Locative, is needing an additional app, having to explain to the family why they need another app etc.

I believe you can also do this using the standard “Shortcuts” app on iOS.

I think that would also require setting something up on another users device, that’s what I’d like to avoid.

I tried that. It’s been a while ago, but think it always asked for confirmation.

yes please, this feature is really needed
And yes, I have been trying to set it up using other methoids, none have worked properly so far. It is just a PITA and waste of time having to deal with it, would be a lot easier for many people if it was just in the Homey App