Easy Logger App paused?


Try a range name instead of gid=0

See https://wiki.bwa.no/display/HEL/2.+How+to+use+actions+cards+in+the+Homey+App#id-2.HowtouseactionscardsintheHomeyApp-2.5ActionCard-AppendMulticellvalueswithDelimitedData

When appending you should use a named range, because then google know where the next row is located. The flow card will newer know that, hence the named range requirement.

I know other ways to do it as well, and will add that to the manual

I have updated the manual with more samples, as always it’s a good idea to read the manual. It’s there for a reason …


I have now updated the app to v1.4.4 with even better erorhandling, so it’s clearly displayed what went wrong if you try it in the advanced flow

Thanks @bwa, for the explanations. Now it works.
I thought it would be enough to just name the spreadsheet ID, and then the new value would be added below the other values in the first column, like it’s with the Google Sheets app from Athom.

I will continue to use and test your Easy Logger app, but as a none ITler, and I guess also for most of the other Homey users, it will be much easier that there were drop down fields with the name of the file and the name of the spreadsheet available:

The initial setup of the Google Sheets app is also much easier. I think if some processes were made much easier, you wouldn’t need to invest so much energy in the manual.

(These are just suggestions / feature requests :wink:)

And if there’s anything you want me to test, just let me know.

I completely agree about the lookup Homey has done in their app is nice. I may do it self some day, but this app was not intended for public use, it was just a privat app, and a friend want to get a copy, so by putting it into the Homey App store it was a simple way of distribute/share it.

Regarding the way the way Homey gets acess rigths to all of you google data, may not be a good option for all. The consent you give is access to everything you have on the Google cloud, not only one sheet. I think that is more than I want to share with a third party.

But that’s me … thinking security

Regarding the test, I would like you to put som numbers into a sheet, and see if the date is properly formatted, and the numbers are correct to be used in a SUM formula, as an example.

I know that you had actually written the app just for yourself. But it would have been a pity if you had not published the app. And please don’t get me wrong, this is your app and you can do what you want with it, these were just suggestions from me.
And as for safety, I agree with you 100%. But these are things that I, as a non-ITler, don’t know.

Test 1
3 different numeric decimal tags into a new table with @NoDate|
The first number was transmitted as a decimal number. The second and third numbers were transmitted as dates:

Test 2
3 different numeric decimal tags into a new table with @NoDate|#

Test 3
3 different numeric decimal tags into a new table including the date
Same problem like Test 1 with the numbers.

If the format of the date is correct or if it’s like you want, I don’t know, because I don’t now what kl. means. In my opinion, the format should look like this (in Germany):

thanks, I will try to improve the i18 …

New tests (like the other one) after installation of version v1.4.7.

Test 1
All numbers seems to be decimal numbers, but the sum of the numbers (?) is 0: :thinking:

The formatting of the cells is set to “Automatic”.

Test 2
Correct as above. :white_check_mark:

Test 3

Addition information about the setting of the file:

According to the app changelog, other problems have been fixed as well. Nevertheless, I wanted to try it out again.
One possible reason why the results are different today than yesterday could be that some cells may have had a different formatting. Today I completely deleted the formatting of the cells before each test.

If the app is not actively used, then the memory consumption is reduced to about 14 MB:


The newest release does not have any attempt to handle foreign formats, yet.

Read here about formatting, it may clear some things
