Can anybody help me with example of capability.json within actual temp en requested temp with ui: thermostat?
You need a measure_temperature and a target_temperature for this UI element. One for current and one for target temperature.
Yes, I know. But are struggling how to merge both into one capability.
Still getting errors.
Why one capability? You need both capabilities in one device.
They are automatically merged in 1 GUI element if the device’s class is thermostat
, no need for a capability.json for this.
Might be that there are more classes now, as many have been added lately, but only know of thermostat currently.
Just add both capabilities to your driver.json
target_temperature has ui component thermostat assigned.
thanks, this helped! now i have both values shown in UI thermostat i only have struggles with the value that target_temperature shows me. I can adjust setting but after that the UI reset to maximum value. Can i change that behavior somewhere? i’am reading the value and see in log it’s the right value