Button + (Release 0.5.5, Test 0.5.9)

No, also a reboot was not fix it

Could you open the app settings page and select Diagnostics Log from the Show Options For. Enable the full diagnostics Log option and the restart the app. Once it has finished starting up, go back to the app setting page and tap on Send Log.


i also send a log, did a reboot twice but didn’t help. you think this has to do with the RC1 update from homey it self?

OK, thanks for the logs, they were very helpful.
It seems the fix in Homey 12.0.1-RC1 for Homey 2023 so it now processes cpu_warn messages has caused the problem. Homey’s prior to 2023 gave 20 warnings before killing the app and Homey 2023 prior to RC1 did fire the cpu_warn message at all. So the app would take steps to reduce the load temporarily when the warnings got to the limit - 5. It turns out the fix not only now fires the cpu_warn message, but the limit has been reduced to 5. Therefore, the app was reducing the load immediately by shutting down the MQTT server so it would halt the processing of messages, assuming it was a rogue connection spamming the server.
It seems the start-up procedure can also cause a heavy load on the CPU while it configures everything, causing a cpu_warn.

I haven’t yet worked out why the server is not restarting after 30 seconds, but for now I have changed the cpu_warn routine to wait until limit - 1, so hopefully that will solve the immediate issue.


New test version to fix the 12.0.1-rc1 issue is now in test.


Many thanks again, for the speed of helping! It works now again

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Many thanks also from my side. It works now. Your response times are truly unbeatable.

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