Button + (Release 0.5.5, Test 0.5.9)

Yes, but nothing happened :pensive:

Do you mean it’s still stuck in a reboot loop?

Hi Adrian,

how to use the then-card for “infotext”? I mean: how to display it on the button+?
What is it intended for?

This worked, thanks!

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Currently, I’m on version 0.4.11 (Homey Pro - Button Plus app) and version 1.11 of ButtonPlus. Today I made progress again. Unfortunately, the problem is still not resolved. However, I feel like I’m going about it in a convoluted way, to get it working. I added the broker information from Homey to Button+ and added the broker information from Button+ to Homey.
In both environments, I’ve now added 2 brokers. Then I discovered that the buttons on the display were working, but the buttons on the bars weren’t. Upon further investigation, I found out that in the Button+ environment, a ‘payload’ had been assigned to these buttons. So, I manually added payloads to the buttons on the bars as well. Now the physical buttons work, which previously didn’t. However, the functions in Homey from the flows still don’t work because I also need to add the correct Payload in the Button+ environment.

All in all, I’m glad that the physical button plus now responds and Homey registers that they’re actually being pressed. But… it all doesn’t feel logical, and I feel like it should be much easier. Does anyone have suggestions for changes that could lead to a solution, where I can create flows from Homey Pro that Button+ responds to without having to formulate payloads in the Button+ online environment? I’ve taken another step forward and that energized me again.
@Adrian_Rockall Thanks for your responses.

It sounds like Homey is not transferring the configuration to the Button + as all the payloads, etc, should be programmed automatically.

Could you open the app settings page, select the Diagnostics Log settings and make sure it’s enabled. Then go to the Device in Homey and select the Re-apply Configuration maintenance function. Finally, go back to the Log and tap on Send Log.

Ronald has asked if you can contact him via the Button web page contactoption.

I’ve just sent a log. I’ll contact Ronald. Thanks!

The log is showing everything is being sent to the Button + OK, assuming you have a display and one button bar.

Nore the message to contact Ronald was for @Remy

still wondering about the “infotext” card? I thought it might be good to temporarly show important informations on the display (Fire in the house!) :grinning:

In the Display Configuration, you can select the information item from the Button + device and add it to the display.

In the image, Room 1 is my Button + and then I have selected the Information capability.

Then the Flow card supplies the text to display.

Wow, this way I understood that I can choose The Button+ itself as a device with a lot of possibilities.

First of all thank you for making this app! :slight_smile:

I want to use the long press of a button to make my Sonos system play the next or previous song. If I use the flow card “The left/right button on connector # was pressed for a long time” it is triggering the flow card until I stop pressing the button. That leads to switching to the next song continously.

What I would like is to long press and have the flow triggered only once, independently from the time the button was long pressed.

Is the described behaviour intentional? Is there a way to realize my goal without using a variable or other more complex set ups?

This is how I’ve solved it right now, which is ok for me. Just want to make sure that I am not overseeing a more obvious and straight forward solution.

The repeat is by design so that actions can be update all the time the button is pressed, e.g. a dimmer can be progressively controlled by holding down the button.

I can add an extra option to the Button Config that prevents repeat message if you think that will be useful?

My Buttons are at 1.12.2, looks like version check doesn’t factor in minor versions.

Thank you for letting me know, I will fix it ASAP.

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Hmm, I can’t replicate that issue. The code parses the text based version number as a float, so ‘1.12’ and ‘1.12.2’ both end up as 1.12 and pass the checks.
I have published a new test version that puts the detected version number in the error message to see what version it thinks you have.

The new version also adds the option to disable the long press auto-repeat.

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App had updated itself to 0.5.1 in the early hours. Version detection works now and the flow card is accepted. Could it be that a restart of the v0.5.0 app after the button fw update would have fixed the issue?

It probably was the restart. The app gets the firmware version when it updates the configuration, so if the firmware was updated, it won’t know until the configuration is transferred again.

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The most versatile option would be to have this as a trigger available in advanced flows. I can already think about setups were I would like to mix and match for one Button+ the behaviour of buttons when long pressed. :slight_smile: Probably it would be best to keep things as simple as possible at the moment as the Button+ is from my perspective one of the more complex smart devices to configure. At the moment I am still learning what the Button+ is offering, so there is a good chance that I have a completly different point of view in a few weeks.

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