Broadlink RM pro+

Please could you explain step by step how to control a Broadlink RM pro +?
I downloaded the app and connected homey to Broadlink through the IP address of Broadlink.
…and now how can I activate the command I entered into broadlink (RF Plug and RF remote for shutters)
I have no idea how to do

It’s on the forum of the app, right? And on the app page too, so what is going wrong, where are you stuck?

Hi many thanks for your quick answer. Indeed I found by hazard how to activate the registration of remote controls, but just by hazard. Once you start the app you get two buttons one for RF remote one for IR remote and then nothing is explained. If you hit the RF remote button for instance nothing happens. but by chance hitting successively IR and the RF buttons then the RF one became green and I could register the remote action. That’s strange and not intuitive at all. Before I was just hitting one button desperately without response. Maybe I could do better but I didn’t find.
Generally speaking I am a new user and I found that explanations are dramatically lacking when you install a new app like smart presence, countdown etc and you have to test everything randomly to finally understand 10% of what to do. Didacticiel with screen saving for dummies would be more than welcome
Anyway it is fun!