[Beginner] Smart Porch Light Tutorial


WIth Homey, we actually have access to another second conditional in addition to {and}, which is {or}. Just like the {and} the {or} does exactly what it does in the English language. If a condition is met OR another condition is met.

Because we quite often have guests on weekend nights in Spring, we also want the porch light to be on every Friday in Spring, even if we are home.

So in our case, {when} the sun sets {and} we are not home {or} its the weekend {and} its spring{then} turn on the porch light {then} set the homey to 100% brightness.


  1. Fibaro Switch (But you can use any smart light globe or switch.)
  2. [Date & Time] card, which give us access to time, date, day and even sun actions.
  3. [LED Ring] card, which gives us access to some homey LED ring actions.
  4. [Presence] card, which give us access to actions about peoples presence in the house.


  • {when}
  • {and}
  • {or} + {and}
  • {then} x 2


This time we will be just adding two new cards, both of them into the {or} area.

  1. After clicking edit, slide up the {and} section.
  2. Click the ⨁ Add Card and a list of possible conditions will load.
  3. Select the [Date & time] card option, this will then automatically show you a list of options
  4. From the options select the [Today is a …] card.
  5. Click on the day of the week and change it to [weekend], then click the in the top right.
  6. Drag the card down to the {or} area, it will now be separated from the existing card.
  7. Do the process again, this time Click the ⨁ Add Card, select the [Date & time] card then choose the [The Season is…] and choose “Spring” from the options.
  8. Once again you may need to drag this new card to the same or area as the [Day is a …] card. Make sure that you do not pull it to far so that it creates a third {or} area.
  9. As alway click ✓ Save from the bottom left of the screen.

{when} Sunset {and} Not Home {or} Its Friday {and} in Spring {then} Turn on light {then} Set RING LED 100%


This one was a little big trickier as we not only introduced the {or} conditional, but also required that two conditions be met. Friday AND Spring. But our light now turns on regardless of whether or not we are home, every Friday in Spring.