[APP][PRO] Zigbee2MQTT

First of all thank you very much for making this app. The built in zigbee implementation is not stable enough with many devices. And it is a pain to add lots of hubs and end up with lots of zigbee networks. Zigbee2mqtt support a wide range of devices and is a very stable and powerful system. Being able to integrate it into Homey is very nice!

I have added a lot of different devices, and most of them works fine. Currently there are some problems with specific Ikea remotes, but this is a problem in Zigbee2mqtt and not the app for Homey.

But I have one request: I added the Vindstyrka air quality monitor from Ikea. It exposes temperature, humidity, PM2.5, VoC and link quality to Zigbee2mqtt. But only temperature, humidity and link quality all the way to Homey. Would this be possible to fix in a future version?

Probably. But I would need a device to develop, test and maintain. See 1st post how to donate.

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