[APP][Pro] Volvo on Call - Connected technology that makes your life easier

You should use the connected vehicle device type as instructed in the first post of this thread.

It seems that the Volvo developer website creates a API token with hundreds of characters. The apps says the token is incorrect. Any idea what the problem might be?

This is probably the problem, you should create an application and use the primary vcc api key of that application. You shouldn’t generate an api token. The vcc api key is 32 chars.

Hi @Richard_B

I created a volvo developers account last week and I have my 32 chars vcc api key. When I’m adding it to Homey I get the following error message: “Error: get ‘/connected-vehicle/v2/vehicles’: HTTP status code ‘401’. Volvo API error message: Access denied due to invalid VCC-API-KEY. Make sure to provide a valid key for an active application.”.
As I understand I do not have to publish the volvo API application, I should be able to use the the vcc-api-key that I received already (for test purposes), is that correct? Or what could the issue be with that error message?

Get the same error

@ricott same trouble as M_Bjoklund here 
 how to proceed ?

This seems to be the case for all of us. Let’s hope for a fast resolution.

On vacation this week so no possibility to dig into this right now.
From what I can tell already added cars are working as before. I.e. there are some errors with invalid vcc api key.

I guess we need to reach out to the volvo developer support and check what is causing these problems.


I tried to add the car and now it worked!
I’m sure this is a problem with Volvo and not with your app! Looking forward to try it out! :grinning:


Now it worked for me also. :+1:

I have connected a XC60 2024, but no acces to charging schedule. Only very limited acces to features. Is this normal, or should all action be available as mentioned in the first post?

The Connected Vehicle device type has limited functionality vs the old Volvo On Call device type.
Connected Vehicle use the official Volvo APIs, Volvo On Call use the reverse engineering APIs the old Volvo mobile app used. Android Auto based cars only work with the Connected vehicle device type.

If you check for instance Tibber, not even they have been able to build smart charging for the Android Auto based cars.

Hej Richard!

Jag har sett att det finns ett API-anrop “statistics” som kan utföras som innehĂ„ller mycket anvĂ€ndbar information.

Kan du utöka infon i Homey med den info som hĂ€mtas med “statistics”?

Egentligen ALL information som kommer med “statistics” Ă€r av intresse.

I have setup cheap charging but how can I stop charging is there no API call for that ?

Hello! I see there is the option to start charging but no option to “STOP” charging. Is this correct?

I have used the app for sometime now and it has worked really nice.
But since 3 days or so the battery % is not updating anymore it is stuck at 36% even after I have charged? But positions and other info is updating as normal?

Any idea why?
I have restarted the app but no success!

i see the same behavior

Here same. The charging status and the battery range haven’t been update for the past 4 days

All other counters have been updated 14 hours ago (about the last time I used the vehicle)

I just reinstalled with the VCC API from scratch but it still is the same missing EV data.

Anyone seen / know a solution or if Volvo has changed parameters?

status is updated in tibber, so volvo api seems to be ok in general.