[APP][Pro] UptimeRobot for Homey

UptimeRobot for Homey

This app allows Homey to respond to new status updates from UptimeRobot.

Currently supports posting…

  • :speech_balloon: Realtime status notifications

Use in flow to trigger something, for example speech so Homey tells you what is happening.

Download in the Homey App Store!

:gear: Install this app on your Homey.

  • Login to your UptimeRobot account or create one.
  • Go to my settings of your UptimeRobot account and set your RSS Notifications to enable.
  • Add UptimeRobot as a new device.
  • During the pairing process you can enter your UptimeRobot rss feed.

:speech_balloon: Supported languages:

  • :uk: English
  • :netherlands: Dutch

:computer: Apps made by @LRvdLinden

See for more apps link below 👇🏻 or just open the pull down.


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Looks like a nice app but I would appreciate to improve my understanding what it can do.
I use Network Check, but sometimes I need a faster than every 15s check to see if my Homey is online.

From earlier posts elsewhere, it seems it can work in two ways?

  1. From the UptimeRobot online service an address can be monitored for your Homey based on Homey’s Cloud ID ? Can you show how to do it as it does not seem to work for me. Here is what I tried:

and ping:

  1. An UptimeRobot device on your Homey monitors if it can reach the UptimeRobot online RSS service that you need to enable in your account.
    (It will send a status to a flow, but if I am not mistaken there is no flow card to see if the service is currently online.)

Would this work at all websites? For example Roblox.com

As a hint, you can monitor websites with Net Scan app