[APP][Pro] TP-Link KASA LAN - Smart Plugs and Bulbs (WIFI)

App is working again with the Test version. Thx!

Please check the latest test version - not sure if it will work though, as I don’t have those devices myself.

Also the latest error, which was popping up, shall be fixed (getDriverName) - but given the review process, it’s waiting for Athom review

It works great, many thanks, this is brilliant, so quick to implement

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I had to re-publish TEST, which will be the main branch having the recently reported issues fixed, due to the name change (used too many words :man_facepalming: when I checked SDK).

so current LIVE version - TP-Link KASA LAN App for Homey | Homey - broken for plugs

current TEST 0.2.0 - TP-Link KASA LAN App for Homey | Homey - having fixes and support of two new plugs

0.2.0 will be LIVE / stable, shall be working for everyone - hopefully Monday (waiting for Athom).
0.2.1 will be new TEST / experimental - not yet published

When Athom will perform review, that new “experimental” version 0.2.1 will be based on new API and needs to be tested. I just must verify that this version will remain as TEST and not live :wink:

LIVE version

0.2.0 - 28. 1. 2024

Adding KP105, KP115,Fix getdrivername is not defined, Flow title fix, New name 

TEST version

0.2.2 - 28. 1. 2024

Added support for HS210 - 3way

0.2.1 - 28. 1. 2024

Experimental - compatibility updates due to the plink-smarthome-api v5

Please - try the TEST version, if it will not work, submit DIAGNOSTIC REPORT and go back to LIVE version

Hi Sharkys,

Do you plan on adding support for the HS220? I have 7 of these dimmers set up in my home.


On/Off possibly yes, that should be very quick, not sure about dimming capabilities as this require new class…let me check, no promisses though and will be probably broken on several attempts as I do not own this device.

LIVE version

0.2.0 - 28. 1. 2024

Adding KP105, KP115,Fix getdrivername is not defined, Flow title fix, New name 

TEST version

0.2.4 - 31. 1. 2024

Attempt do add KS230 3-way dimmer + handle more errors during pairing

0.2.3 - 31. 1. 2024

Attempt to add HS220 Dimmer

0.2.2 - 28. 1. 2024

Added support for HS210 - 3way

0.2.1 - 28. 1. 2024

Experimental - compatibility updates due to the plink-smarthome-api v5

Please - try the TEST version, if it will not work, submit DIAGNOSTIC REPORT and go back to LIVE version

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Just tried to add my HS100. Process was simple and is working well.


Thank you,


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FYI, I have requested Athom to publish TEST to LIVE version (usually take a day), so all the latest updates will be deployed.
In case of any significant issues, please let me know by sending diag. report (I hope there will be none as some of you are using TEST already)

0.2.4 - 31. 1. 2024

Attempt do add KS230 3-way dimmer + handle more errors during pairing

0.2.3 - 31. 1. 2024

Attempt to add HS220 Dimmer

0.2.2 - 28. 1. 2024

Added support for HS210 - 3way

0.2.1 - 28. 1. 2024

Experimental - compatibility updates due to the plink-smarthome-api v5

Hi @Sharkys! Saw that you’re doing some ongoing dev work on this app. I had submitted a ticket via Athom regarding my TP-Link Kasa devices becoming unavailable with a message ‘Device Unavailable Rate Limited’

I did a search on the thread and don’t see anyone else mentioning “Rate Limited” so I don’t know if it’s an issue you’re aware of or could address.

I do have a bunch of TP-Link Kasa devices, many of which do Energy Monitoring. I’d be willing to adjust polling rates to regain control of my devices, but suspect that there’s an API-based fix for the issue. Here’s my inventory in case it points to something specific:

3xHS300 - Surge strip w/ 6 addressable outlets
2xKP405 - Outdoor dimmer plug
4xHS103 - Smart Plug
1xHS105 - Smart Plug
4xKP125M - Matter Smart Plug
8xEP25 - Smart Plug

Happy to share any additional details you’d require if you’re interested.

I call it rather maintenance, I’m not really a dev :wink:

But aren’t those all related to the Athom CLOUD based integration ? So Rate limit error is related to the Cloud API restrictions of TP-LINK. This app in this thread is for devices with enabled LAN control - have you tried to add those devices after installing this app with their IP and enabled LAN control (if available) ?
From the list, those could work (my assumption as I do not have those devices) :
2xKP405 , 4xHS103 , 1xHS105 - you can try to add them just by selecting HS100/110 (depending if those have power measurement or not)

3xHS300 - might require much more work due to the subdevices

4xKP125M - of those are Matter Plugs, why not to add them as Matter devices ?

8xEP25 - not sure, seems those devices require additional authentication, you may try to ask in the TAPO thread - [APP][Pro] Tapo - #19 by Jos_van_Vliet

TEST version TP-Link KASA LAN App for Homey | Homey submitted for Athom review, will be next LIVE, fixing some issues which seems existed since SDK3 migration.

Version 0.2.5

  • Re-Added registerRunListener (error since SDK3 migration), fixes for Reset meter/Undo reset meter functionality, cleanups

Hi, My Kasa KL50 bulb is not accessible through Homey anymore. I suspect since Homey’s upgrade to 10.0.6. The bulb has always worked and is still manageable through Kasa’s original app. The bulb has also still the same fixed IP-address it has always had. Pinging gives reply. So that all seems OK.
When I remove the bulb in Homey and re-add it, it is found and added. But when I try to switch it on/off I get the error “could not get device by id”.

I tried re-installing the app within Homey, rebooted Homey via software and also via powercycling, nothing seems to help.

Is there something else I can do?

Try to send diag… stating KL50 in the details.

FYI, fixed

0.2.7 - 11. 2. 2024

Fixes for bulbs

0.2.6 - 10. 2. 2024

drivers sync, attempt to fix some crashes

Hi @Sharkys , thanks a lot for the great work and support. Do you have any plan to support HS300 like devices which has multiple energy monitoring plugs on a power strip. I am happy to donate if you need.

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Might be possible, API supports it…but will take time, as this require to write new driver from scratch.


Just donated some coffee money in case you’re looking for some motivaton for an HS300 driver…or if you’re not. Thanks for the app either way! Glad to regain control of my TP Link devices locally w/o Athom’s app’s issues!!

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Thank you @chaosrain :wink:

@subho @chaosrain , first experimental test for HS300. My tests are based on simulator, so please take it really as first alpha.

I have rewritten also the discovery process, it never worked the way it was set, mostly for multiple devices - it only counted with one device per pairing. Anyone feel free to test and report back your experience.

Version 0.2.8

Rework of discovery mechanism, pairing view, allow addition of multiple devices and added HS300(US) multisocket

Version 0.2.9

Added KP405