[APP][Pro] SONOFF Zigbee

Hello Johan

Thanks for your work. Did you get an update from Athom about having your app approved for Homey Bridge. I am looking forward to using it as I first went for the Homey Bridge to install some sensors in my apartment

Hi @johan_bendz,
Happily using your app. I do see some strange behaviour (dont think its intended)

I have connected a Sonoff ZBMINI.
When the zigbee network is instable the device responds with a timeout (good behaviour)
But when I make the device powerless… It keeps behaving like its operating normally (no time outs, no exclamation mark for being disconnected.)
@Aotw reported the same behaviour in his post

Is this intended behaviour?
(I would expect the exclamation)

If you need additional info, let me know

Hej Johan, any updates on your Bridge support?

Hi @johan_bendz,

Is your app also supporting the Sonoff SBMINI-L? I couldn’t find it so far in the specs.

Thanks in advance,


Hi @FKey, thanks for reporting this. I am releasing a test version of the app, please try it and report back if your issue has been solved.

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Still got temp/humidity sensor getting recognized as a motion sensor.

Did the test, behaviour did unfortunately not change.

  • Installed test version 0.0.21 of the sonoff app
  • waited for a few hours
    *. Tried switching the sonoff, works nicely
  • left the light switched on
  • removed the power line (brown)
  • waited for some time
  • switched off the light in the homey app, icon goes to off
  • switched on the light again, icon goes to on
    No time-outs no errors, just behaves like normal (with zbmini still disconnected…)
  • opened the developer app & performed an interview. This times out
    But even after the interview the app button behaves as if the zbmini is connected

Hi Johan,

Can you please add a (Reverse Contact Alarm Logic) function for the " SONOFF SNZB-04 ZigBee Wireless Door/Window Sensor" as we have at “Aqara Zigbee Door and Windows Sensor” please?



I would like to buy the Sonoff Zigbee Motion/Occupancy sensor: SNZB-03

Is this working now?

After one year of operation, my SNZB-04 door sensor stops reporting to homey. Apparently, the battery is down, after replacing the battery, it works again.
I’m surprised because homey was still reporting “battery OK” , and the battery alarm hasn’t been reached.
Did you experience same behavior with this sensor ?

Did the ZBMINI-L even got supported?

Hi, sorry for the late reply.
Good idea! Functionality added to next update.

Added to the next update.

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Possibly something for the next update :wink: Have regular problems with ZBMini not responding to on or off commands. In Homey I can see the status change when the relay is switched by the connected inputs.
So in my opinion it can’t be a Zigbee reception problem (other equipment no problems).

The only solution that works every time is to disconnect the ZBMinin from the power supply.

Have two door sensors, since 5 days they do not report status anymore. One had a low battery, new battery, nothing.
Could not be added as new device (maybe as it was still there) but no status either.

They identify as eWelink DS01. Any suggestions?

Start by interviewing the devices, Homey Developer Tools
If this does not change anything try pairing them again without removing them first.

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interview timed out (is zigbee “interview” like “ping” for IP? )

maybe my wording was unclear, but I did try to pair one again without removing it first.

a related question; is there a smart way to exhange a device without disturbing all related flows? example; a defective device and you want to swap it for the same type etc. can that be done without the need to repair all flows where it is used?

I’ll try removing one now - it only has one single simple flow (send message; door open)

the app itself is running, there is another sonoff device (PIR) that works fine.


well, beats me, but both sensors had blinking LED’s, nevertheless exchanged batteries, deleted the devices and with some retries added them, repaired the flows, all works again.

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I did as you suggested and it worked like charm, thanks👌

First I tried a million times (two different devices) asSonoff Zigbee devices without any success.

Then I added them as a Homey generic device and then I removed them and added them as Sonoff Zigbee devices and it woked right away.

My problem is solved, I am just curious as to why your ”readd” solution worked?

Here is the interview from when it was added as generic:

  "ids": {
    "modelId": "TH01",
    "manufacturerName": "eWeLink"
  "endpoints": {
    "endpointDescriptors": [
        "endpointId": 1,
        "applicationProfileId": 260,
        "applicationDeviceId": 770,
        "applicationDeviceVersion": 0,
        "_reserved1": 0,
        "inputClusters": [
        "outputClusters": [
    "endpoints": {
      "1": {
        "clusters": {
          "basic": {
            "attributes": "UNSUP_GENERAL_COMMAND",
            "commandsGenerated": "UNSUP_GENERAL_COMMAND",
            "commandsReceived": "UNSUP_GENERAL_COMMAND"
          "identify": {
            "attributes": "UNSUP_GENERAL_COMMAND",
            "commandsGenerated": "UNSUP_GENERAL_COMMAND",
            "commandsReceived": "UNSUP_GENERAL_COMMAND"
          "temperatureMeasurement": {
            "attributes": "UNSUP_GENERAL_COMMAND",
            "commandsGenerated": "UNSUP_GENERAL_COMMAND",
            "commandsReceived": "UNSUP_GENERAL_COMMAND"
          "relativeHumidity": {
            "attributes": "UNSUP_GENERAL_COMMAND",
            "commandsGenerated": "UNSUP_GENERAL_COMMAND",
            "commandsReceived": "UNSUP_GENERAL_COMMAND"
          "powerConfiguration": {
            "attributes": "UNSUP_GENERAL_COMMAND",
            "commandsGenerated": "UNSUP_GENERAL_COMMAND",
            "commandsReceived": "UNSUP_GENERAL_COMMAND"
        "bindings": {
          "identify": {
            "attributes": "UNSUP_GENERAL_COMMAND",
            "commandsGenerated": "UNSUP_GENERAL_COMMAND",
            "commandsReceived": "UNSUP_GENERAL_COMMAND"