[APP][Pro] Simple (Sys) LOG - Use this app for Simple (Sys) Logging

Yesss!!! The script work really nice now. Thanks a million…!

Am I correct that you didn’t have the chance to modify the “adding” script so it adds flowcards to “normal” flows as well?

I also get an error with these settings when trying to remove all other automatic added cards; other than the ones from Actions.

"root":{1 item
"error":string"Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'outputError')"

Am I doing something wrong? This is all on HP19. Migrating in a few minutes/hours… :slight_smile: )
Settings I used:

const positionErrorCards = { y: -3, x: 1 }; //Number of blocks relative from the card to which it is appended.
const createErrorCards = false; // = true, automaticly create logging card for each error in the selected (or all) flows.
const deleteErrorCards = true; !createErrorCards; // = true, delete all automaticly created logging card from the selected (or all) flows.

const positionTriggerCards = { y: -3, x: 1 }; //Number of blocks relative from the card to which it is appended.
const createTriggerCards = false; // = true, automaticly create logging card for each error in the selected (or all) flows.
const deleteTriggerCards = true; !createTriggerCards; // = true, delete all automaticly created logging card from the selected (or all) flows.

const positionConditionCards = { y: -3, x: 1 }; //Number of blocks relative from the card to which it is appended.
const createConditionCards = false; // = true, automaticly create logging card for each error in the selected (or all) flows.
const deleteConditionCards = true; !createConditionCards; // = true, delete all automaticly created logging card from the selected (or all) flows.

const positionActionCards = { y: -3, x: 1 }; //Number of blocks relative from the card to which it is appended.
const createActionCards = true; // = true, automaticly create logging card for each error in the selected (or all) flows.
const deleteActionCards = false; !createActionCards; // = true, delete all automaticly created logging card from the selected (or all) flows.

//let flowNames = ['DeleteCards AdvancedFlow (TEST)', 'DeleteCards NormalFlow (TEST)']; // Use this line for selected flows
let flowNames; // Use this line for all flows

Ben al wat verder denk ik:
Zodra ik “CreateErrorCards” op “False” zet:

const createErrorCards = false; 

Krijg ik de volgende foutmelding:

"root":{1 item
"error":string"Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'outputError')"

Create Trigger/Condition/Action card op False zetten werkt wel.

Confirmed, flowcards of an app get removed from advanced + standard flows! :dart: :1st_place_medal:
Thanks Arie!


Hi Henk & Arie,

1… When I want to remove an auto-added errorcard, I get the same error Henk encountered.

Complete error
ror: TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'outputError')
    at run (eval at <anonymous> (index.js:62:18), <anonymous>:84:33)
    at async Promise.all (index 0)
(anonymous) @ index.js:73
Promise.catch (async)
PageToolsAPIPlayground.handleRun @ index.js:72
Ve @ react-dom.production.min.js:52
Xe @ react-dom.production.min.js:52
(anonymous) @ react-dom.production.min.js:53
jr @ react-dom.production.min.js:100
Ar @ react-dom.production.min.js:101
(anonymous) @ react-dom.production.min.js:113
De @ react-dom.production.min.js:292
(anonymous) @ react-dom.production.min.js:50
Nr @ react-dom.production.min.js:105
Qt @ react-dom.production.min.js:75
Jt @ react-dom.production.min.js:74
t.unstable_runWithPriority @ scheduler.production.min.js:18
Go @ react-dom.production.min.js:122
Ie @ react-dom.production.min.js:292
Kt @ react-dom.production.min.js:73

@Arie_J_Godschalk here’s what the error is pointing to at index.js:


Screenshot from 2023-05-10 17-33-01

2… I want to remove auto-added triggercards/actioncards, but nothing happens, also no error

console output

This is the right way to remove the cards, right?

const createActionCards = false; // = true, automaticly create logging card for each error in the selected (or all) flows.
const deleteActionCards = true; !createActionCards; // = true, delete all automaticly created logging card from the selected (or all) flows.

Yeah sorry, not yet no.

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Update to 3.0.2 seems to have broken things. Initially all flows showed as broken with Simple LOG cards unavailable. Restarting the SimpleLOG app fixed that temporarily. Trying to change settings in the SimpleLOG app caused it to crash and I had to restart it again. Also no lines showing in the log despite lots happening in my home that should be logged.

Diagnostics: f44880ab-43c0-4200-911b-0580ac5c3d2d

Did you have the 3.0.* version installed before?
Do you have Better Logic Library installed? (Not needed, just asking).

And, try writing some logs manually and then send a diagnostic, because the diagnostic is about empty.

You mean when you delete them by hand and press save, or through the script?

I did not previously have 3.0.* version (well I used a test version of it a while ago but until today had reverted to the non-test version). I do have BLL installed and running.

App had crashed again so restarted it and then tried to create a log from a card. The card never completed and eventually the app crashed again. This diagnostic covers when I tried to run the log card manually:


Just uninstalled the app and reinstalled it and that seems to have fixed whatever it was. Working fine now.

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Yea, sorry, my post was a follow up from Henk’s findings of using the script to delete auto-added flowcards :wink:

So I was curious if I used the script the wrong way, or if there’s some other issue:


Maybe not a good timing but I was curious if it will be possible in the future to disable the [App/group] label when a log is presented in the homey timeline :smiling_face:
Very happy with this app and using it for ~200 log entry’s every day :+1::+1:

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You can do that already I think. Go to the menu in app settings (log) view then in that menu tap on App / group under where it says Columns: and that will hide that column in the log view. Or is that not what you meant?

Thanks for your message and sorry for my poor English!

I use simple log for every action and sometimes a log entry and timeline entry. The ‘problem’ is that the category is sometimes long, so the homey timeline is filled with catagories info. In my case, I just want info about the logging itself. But if it is complex to do, then I just clear all categories in the logging entries!

He means the Homey (App) timeline, not the log entries. :wink:

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No, trace is not part of Syslog, and if i add it as it should, it would be number 8. But this creates issues because in syslog, the Facility and Severity is combined into one number and send to syslogs, so excedding this to a non-existing 8, gives issues.
I just tried it with Synology, when i add a 8 - trace, the recied syslog-message will be set to 0-emergency with a wrong facility.

I have just added this to the test version: Scene, Trigger, Condition, Action.
those are local3-6, so i only have local7 left to give one custom defenition in the future.

I have created an ticket for this (for myself):
QlusterIT / nl.qluster-it.SimpleLog / issues / #15 - Idea : Trigger Flows. — Bitbucket

I also change informational to Info, but for the remaining, i would like to keep to the “defaults” :wink:
Syslog - Wikipedia
Syslog - Definition and Details (paessler.com)


Next time I will follow the “rules”. I did an uninstall and install and now it works. Thanks Arie

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I’ll see if i can simulate the issue.
You are the second that had issues after the update where reinstall was the solution.

FYI. I had this issue on a Homey early 2023. No problems om my Homey 2016

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But after an updaye from old simplelog to the new version, right?