[APP][Pro] Simple (Sys) LOG - Use this app for Simple (Sys) Logging

Tried that yesterday and than I got the same error. Tried it just now and now it worked but did I get an error on the FTP client card.

Weird thing here is that when I run the complete flow it gives me this error:

When I only test the FTP client card it works just fine but is the csv file unuseable.

When I try to export Excel (Base64) simple log is set to pause.

Hi Peter-Kawa,

Okay, good to know. I have installed the latest versions of Better Logic and Simple log.

How strange; when I ran the flow again, it did mention the flow name in the log… The automatercard mentions the flowname too now. :thinking:

Try the ftp card but without any spaces?
Not sure if it matters, but thats my first thought.

A test with spaces in foldernames works for me, the file is uploaded into the folder.

The other issue: the export itself still contains no or bogus data

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Hey Arie,

An other thingy with the script v1.0.2
When I add logcards to flows per script, al error cards don’t contain the [error] token of the card it is connected to.
So the error cards never trigger, while they go in error themselves because of the [unavailable] token.

I added a ticket for this :wink:

Same issue without any spaces.


What is the Card Unavailabe?
A ssl card?

Please send abigger printscreen.

The Download is a selected-from-dropdown, right?


Just a card to test with, Xiaomi plant app, no SSL card.

As an example, I show you this flow/ It’s not about the unavailable cards, it’s about the error log cards

Unhidden, you’ll see none of the error logcards, have a valid error tag of the card they’re attached to:

Hi @Arie_J_Godschalk

I am using the app to log events into a Synology NAS. I noticed that all timestamps are 2 hours behind on the real event time. Is it possible to change this in a setting that I was not able to find?

Thanks in advance!

Pleae give me more info:
How do you log?
Whats you time zone?
Any more info that can help, like NAS info.

You have BLL installed i guess, whats the configured timezone (app settings of BLL)

The whole reason i use BLL is to completly fix the timezone issues, and i haven’t had any issues with it yet, you would be the first. And i did extensive testing.
It’s literally THE reason BLL is needed, so if there is something wrong with it, i need to fix that!

Also, i use it to log to Synology NAS aswell, and have no issues.

I also checked using Papertrails from @Dijker and is does exactly the same. So I assume both apps arre using UTC time.
I made a device:

this gives me a card to send data to my NAS:

My timezone is Mid European Summertime (Netherlands)
Synology DS718+ running DSM 7.1.1 using Logbookcenter

I do have BLL installed and it gave me the above timezone info.
Homey is version Early 2019 (awaiting Early 2023)

Hope this helps (no hurries)

Hi Eddy, what does this BLL config tab Locale / timezone look like?
Same as mine (also Dutch)?


Papertrails uses Homey time, which always was local time, but Athom decided a while ago every Homey should use UTC time.
Papertrails is not adjusted to that situation, that’s why it shows UTC timestamps since (as far as I know)

You can send the log to synology in 2 formats, try both please and let me know?

And, make sure bll and everything is up2date ofc.

Hi Arie, Peter,
As you can see, the Locale/Timezone settings seem to be correct. The time of my phone is the same as the settings screen shows.

Funny thing is that in the screen of the Simple (Sys) Log app the time is correct.
Both apps are updating automatically and on experimental (test).

How/where do I change the format for sending the logs?

In the syslog client device settings

That’s it!!
I have switched off Rfc5424 (IETF/NON-BSD) and now the time is correct.
Thanks for the great and fast support from both you!

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You’re welcome, thanks for the donation!

Im not sure why, but Synology has a bug in it i think.

One definition uses locale time (RFC3164 / the non-rfc5424) and i handle that with BLL (correctly i see :wink: )
However, as far as i could find, rfc5424 should use UTC:
RFC 5424: The Syslog Protocol (rfc-editor.org)

But Synology also has to be configured for which protocol is used, so perhaps you had the NAS on BSD (which is RFC3164)?