[APP][Pro] Simple (Sys) LOG - Use this app for Simple (Sys) Logging

Ahh, thanks for this info!

Maybe that @Arie_J_Godschalk can give the info how it is writing the info. I’ve already set up a server for the logging. But it is not just ‘a switch’ to switch over to that server. I have to replace all the log cards. I’m already depressed when I think about it. Maybe there is another option :smiling_face:

Maybe an ‘easy switch’ between server logging and local logging. Or just writing the log files once every hour, or RAM disk logging only? Or… :see_no_evil:

Working great! Unfortunately I am using the other card everywhere as it gives me ways to categorize the logs.

Any chance of bringing BLL coding to the Syslog card?

Well, each log is written separatly throufh streamwriting. So i would say the stress to the emmc is not much.
Its not rewriting a large file everytime, but only the single logrow.


The device flowcards you mean? Sure, sorry, forgot about those.
Could you create a ticket for that one?
So i wont forget :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth:

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Hey Arie,

I think it had to do with the update itself on homey, restarting homey seems to have fixed the issue. It was really odd though, it was working for simple flows but not advance flows.

Anyway - thanks for the quick response.

I noticed this in the API for the simpleLog -

async addLog({ homey, body }) {
    homey.app.apiPutAddlog({ body });
    return "OK";

Im curious as to whether there is an example on its use, currently I am using flows but sometimes they get stopped due to flooding, sending directly from my app could be useful.


Hey Arie,

When testing the SimpleLog API with the Syslog-Server (Vector.dev) I noticed that the syslog client (v3.0.35) is not sending the messages in Rfc5424 format.


I get:

2024-02-05T09:29:12.656629346Z UG::motionLight > on  > timer: 5min / dim: 100% | appname=SARAH facility=local0 host=HP2023 hostname=HP2023 procid=459264 severity=notice source_ip= source_type=syslog timestamp=2024-02-05T09:29:10.307Z version=1 

In my opinion, the message should look like this:

2024-02-05T09:11:33.339010374Z <177>2 2024-02-05T10:11:33.337+01:00 random.fm BryanHorsey 440 ID878 - Take a breath, let it go, walk away | service=vector source_type=demo_logs timestamp=2024-02-05T09:11:33.338434436Z 

THX Chris

@cgHome What if you deselect, press save, and select 5424 again and press save?


Doesn’t work, same result with Flow & API !!

2024-02-08T15:48:06.130060484Z UG::motionLight > on  > timer: 5min / dim: 100% | appname=SARAH facility=local0 host=HP2023 hostname=HP2023 procid=889350 severity=notice source_ip= source_type=syslog timestamp=2024-02-08T15:48:06.887Z version=1 
2024-02-08T15:50:48.735573778Z Gang Licht > Set state > on | appname=dingz facility=local1 host=HP2023 hostname=HP2023 procid=889350 severity=notice source_ip= source_type=syslog timestamp=2024-02-08T15:50:49.482Z version=1 

Today I installed Simple (sys) LOG on my HP23.
And I’m kind of trying to figure it out.
I wanted to keep track of the time my washing machine and dryer run.
I now get the time that the washer and dryer were running in the log under “message”. Looptijd_wasmachine and Looptijd_wasdroger.
If I now sort by wasmachine, I only see the washing machine, which is good.
But if I export to Excel or CSV, for example, I get the entire log and not just the washing machine.
Is that correct or am I doing something wrong?
I also have BLL running on my Homey.

I’ll check.

Yeah, thats correct. The export currently exports the complete log.
Else you would need to (re)set your filters everytime you want to export.
And in Excel you can filter pretty easy again.

But it is atill on a todolist to filter the export, especially since now the export is to big for some users and it makes it crash the app.


Thank you @Arie_J_Godschalk for the explanation.
I hope you will find time to filter the export.
Filter in excel is not a very big problem also.

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GM Arie

After updating to v10.3.1 of my HP2023, I still get the following error message in the UI of the SimpleLog app (v3.0.33)

Error: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ‘LogBooks’)


Error: The Better Logic Library App has not been started yet.

However, the app is running:


The core fix “Fixes a problem where apps do not receive install and uninstall events” works, I tested it with the “homey-simplelog-api”

It seems to work with the following workaround:


Found another error.

The debug logs are always output, regardless of whether they are activated or deactivated.



Can‘t confirm that.

Hey Chris,

This setting was ment to write all logs to the diagnostic that you can send to the developer, so can could solve some issues users had.

Its not about logs/debugs writen by the user themself.

Hi Arie,

When testing my new monitoring stack, I noticed that if you send a syslog message via flow, the SimpleLog app sends it twice to the syslog server. However, when I send a message via the SimpleLog-Api, everything works fine.

Not sure whether what I am looking for is possible but if it is, I suspect the good people of this forum know how.

I love the Simple SysLOG app and have been using it for years. One thing that would make it even better for me would be If I could easily access the logs using a native app or similar rather than having to navigate into the app settings within the Homey app. The interface there is great but inherently limited by being contained within the Homey app settings. It doesn’t use the whole screen, I can’t make the text bigger etc.

The ideal solution would be:

  • some kind of dedicated log viewer (either on iOS and iPadOS or web app) that is one tap away from my Home Screen / desktop
  • I can re-size the text in the logs
  • controls available to filter / sort / navigate the logs
  • ‘live’ so that as new logs are added they appear in view without having to hit refresh
  • connects directly to the Homey so I’m not reliant on another cloud service (could use Tailscale or similar to access remotely)

Is such a thing possible? I looked around for SysLOG viewer apps but couldn’t find much. Maybe I’m thinking about it the wrong way as I’m not familiar with SysLog at all.


@Jonathan_Draper echo this, I use telegram for this but would love to have an iOS app with these capabilities and a widget would be excellent… Open for any suggestions for an native log app