[APP][Pro] Simple (Sys) LOG - Use this app for Simple (Sys) Logging

Does that mean you think Honey’s software is stable enought to work on the add/remove scripts again?
#hopefull :wink:

This would be fine!
Br Manni

Thanks, I have created an issue:

I tryed to include flow cards by executing the script. But nothing happens. Do I miss something?

What did you edit to your needs in the script?
When you just copy/paste /run it, it’ll only try to adjust the flow _Normal Test, which you probably don’t have.

Open the browser developer page (F12 probably) and look in “Console” if anything at all happens when you run the script.

Thank you, I was too tired to get it right :smiling_face:
Everything fine now.


Hi Arie,

Since this afternoon (14:xx h) I’ve a really strange bug.
There is no message in most of my logs. In de app view allot of my flows are also gone.

I haven’t update anything today. So that’s kind of strange.

Hp23 v1.0.8
Simple Log v3.0.33

EDIT: Since 2:00h it works like a charme again!

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I am still experiencing the problem with downloading the log.
Whether I do it via a flow at a certain time or a direct download via Homey developer tools, the app crashes and the file is not downloaded.
My log is never older than 7 days.
The follow-up card that it is downloaded to my NAS works just fine, so it is really about the Simple log app crashing.

Can this be looked at sometime?
Thank you.


It’s an Out of Memory issue.
I’ll look into it.

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I’m also not able to download the log.

I have a strange issue, the app seems to crash very often. In the logs i get the error App simple log started (50 times in 3 days) .

To be sure it is crashing, create a flow triggered by the “An app has crashed” when card.

Some how no message with the that app card.
but when i look at the the app status is see this


I’m having a problem with logging to my Synology NAS. It’s probably just a configuration error, but I can’t figure out what it is.

In the NAS logs I get everything with log levels “Info” and “Notice”, but no other levels (Debug, Warning…). When I search for those levels it says “No logs in the IETF format available”.
What am I doing wrong?

I see everything in Homey.

This is my device settings:

@Arie_J_Godschalk Will you consider supporting BLL logic in the input field “Message” of the Syslog card? It would save me a few more cards and CPU time :slight_smile:


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Many thanks for your great app again! Using it very intensive and generating ±5000 log items a day…
Yesterday my homey giving me SCLite database corrupt errors. After some investigation, I found that my CM4 module (eMMC) was not working correct. It was possible to write but not giving the exact same information back. I replaced my CM4 module and everything is working fine now. But… Now it it time to evaluate if it is ‘bad luck’ or that I am doing something wrong… When investigating the log file, i was thinking… Is every log entry a ‘write operation’ to the flash? And if yes, is there something I can do to reduce this actions? For me, logging to RAM is also fine. I would like to look back fo ±48 hours to fix issues or diagnose strange behavior. But it is not important that the data is available after a reboot.

What do you think. Is it possible that the log entries (amount of) can overload the eMMC and maybe max read/write operations or is it just something else/bad luck?

Thanks for your time and info!

Picture (automatically removing info/data after 100 days):

SSL now supports BLL coding for log and timeline :slight_smile:
(In testversion)

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Hey, would there be anything in the latest version which would stop some items from showing up in the simplelog.

The events still trigger and when I add a card for it to show on the timeline the appear, but they are not being added to the simplelog.

Odd part is it is only some of the items not showing up.

Are you on the testversion?
If so, could you try it with the live version?

:flushed: that’s after 2 days overhere…

My guess is to set up a syslog server for those huge number of logs and days.
Then your eMMC isn’t used this intense, if it is used that intense:
only @Arie_J_Godschalk can tell how and when SSL writes the logs to ‘disk’, and if a syslog server saves a lot of ‘disk’ writes @ Homey

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