[APP][Pro] Simple (Sys) LOG - Use this app for Simple (Sys) Logging

@Jamie what is this mysterious ‘audit’ app? I cannot seem to find it in the app store? So… interested…

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Ahh, simple enough!

Oh now I see, so it works fine, but only it doesn’t remember your choice. I considered that ‘normal’ behaviour and picked 250 every time viewing :sweat_smile:

I just never thought of trying Arie’s ‘hint of the month’ :partying_face: :white_check_mark: :

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That’s really the hint of the month!

I’ve another question regarding to the view page. In the web app and the iOS app the rectangle of the page number is red (see picture) and I’m not able to go up or down a page. With the developer tools (site) it is possible and isn’t red.
Is there a solution for this?

Typing a number isn’t possible at all, but that’s no problem for me.

Please send a printscreen of both full screens (so i can see the page values etc).

Added the screenshots, but now the developer tools is allso red and not possible to go page up or down.
I only delete logs older than 7 days. So there are more than one page of logs.

web app

developer tools

Am I the only one experiencing this issue, when try to viewing the LOG in Homey Developer Tools?

Works for me (Homey Pro 2016 viewing from Chrome, Android).

What are you trying to do in the developer site?

Try the my.homey.app ?

I tried viewing the LOG, just by opening the app settings. I always used to do this via the developer website. All of a sudden it works again, also on my.homey.app, weird :slight_smile:

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Were you able to work on the script for adding and removing Simple Log flowcards, @Arie_J_Godschalk? I believe (at least) adding flowcards doesn’t work completely…?

Hey @Henk_Renting , the current version should work.
Is it not for you?

If not, what is not working correctly?

I am referring to this, @Arie_J_Godschalk

See the post and discussion around this post
above too.

Or did I miss something and is this already solved?
In that case; my apologies…!

EDIT: Sorry, there was a newer post, edited this post for it.

Hi @Arie_J_Godschalk ,

thx for the great App!

after Updating my Homey 19 from Version 8.xx to V 10.0.1 the script stoppt working for me.
It generates empty cards in advanced Flows
doesnt gerate Cards in Std. Flows.
what am I doing wrong?

br Manni

Hi Manni,

Restarting Homey after a FW update solved the weirdest issues. Doesn’t hurt to try…

If a restart doesn’t help, it might be that i have some code in it to check version>10 to make difference between hp2023 and older models.
If so, that might not work anymore.

But tbh, i don’t wanna put time in it right now: borh the hp2023 and the older models with v10.0.1 still have bugs in it and things (especially for homey-api scripts) keep changing. It’s to much to keep updating everything.
So i am kinda waiting for athom to finish the hp2023 and older models new v10 versions and stabilise the used homey-api before fixing those scripts.

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Hello Peter

Yes , did a Restart - it didn´t solve the Problem.

I’ll stick with fw v8.1.6 then. Thanks for the insights, Arie.

Thanks for a fantastic script to add logging for advanced flows :slightly_smiling_face::+1:

I have one remark though. I am using notes in my advanced flows, and when doing this the script creates an error card for each note:


An error card is also created for delay cards:


I tried to look through the script to find a way to exclude note and delay, but has not managed it yet. Any tips on how to achieve this? :innocent:

Please create a ticket, and i’ll change the script.

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