[APP][Pro] Simple (Sys) LOG - Use this app for Simple (Sys) Logging

  • some kind of dedicated log viewer (either on iOS and iPadOS or web app) that is one tap away from my Home Screen / desktop
    :white_check_mark: you can use the HTML page, post #321, by @To_Lou :

  • I can re-size the text in the logs
    :white_check_mark: ctrl + and crtl -

  • controls available to filter / sort / navigate the logs
    → ctrl f filters on text, but no sort, and navigate is just scrolling up/down :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

  • :white_check_mark: ‘live’ so that as new logs are added they appear in view without having to hit refresh
    → Firefox has an ‘Auto Tab reload’ add-on.

  • connects directly to the Homey so I’m not reliant on another cloud service (could use Tailscale or similar to access remotely)
    :white_check_mark: Yup, it uses the API like this:

Not exactly what you had in mind, but it’s pretty much available already.
Have fun with it.


Sounds very much like a SysLog-server.
This app can send logs to a syslog server, then you just needs to install a viewer watching it.

That sounds promising. Can you recommend any syslog server / viewer?

Thank you @Peter_Kawa i did have a quick play with that and managed to get it working. I wanted to see if I was missing some more obvious solution before I dived deeper.

This made me wonder: I think maybe the settings page in the Simple log app is html running on Homey. Is there a way that interface could be accessed directly from a browser on the local network @Arie_J_Godschalk?

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I do not remember the name of the one we are using at work, but just google it. There are many.

I have searched and searched and struggled to find anything that looks like it would do what I need and that I can understand. The closest, which looks like I would only have to sacrifice my cloud dependency requirement, is papertrailapp.com. But I cannot find how to configure Simple LOG app on Homey to send logs to it. Here’s what I’ve tried:

  • added a syslog client device in Homey using the Simple LOG app
  • configured its app settings with:
    – server: logs2.papertrailapp.com
    – port: xxxxx (I put the port provided in paper trail log destination setup for my account here)
    – Use Rfc5424: Yes (I also tried No; it didn’t seem to make a difference)
    – This App name: Homey
    – This hostname: 48Homey
    – Log all Syslogs to the default Simple Log: Yes
    – Log all default logs to this Syslog from live: Debug
    – Transport mode: tcp

I then executed this card in an advanced flow:

Result: no events received by Papertrail.

If anyone can offer any suggestions to get this working, I would be very grateful.


EDIT: I should also say, here’s how I configured my log destination at papertrailapp:

OK for anyone following after me trying to get Papertrail working, I finally managed to get this working after trying pretty much every combination of settings one by one. The key seemed to be when I changed the advanced settings of the Syslog client device in Homey to use UDP instead of TCP as its transport mode. No idea why this worked but it’s now sending logs to Papertrail happily with all the other settings as above.


Hello, I tried to get this working, but with the http/ftp server, i got NO flowcard (HomeyPro2023).
How can i export the log files automatically to a local server??

Hey @Arie_J_Godschalk ,

I ran the script v1.0.6, and it made a card for every “description/notice” and “any/all” i have. Is it possible to avoid this?



Use the FTP client app, with that one you can upload files to ftp servers.

Hello Arie,

I got the FTP Client. With that i can use the card to send a file.
There i must enter a filename (file base 64) as source.
How do i get this filename??

Thank you

is there some way to easily switch what is logged and what is not, something like advanced logging on/off? i have used the script via developers tools to add cards to my advanced flow for automated light in the kitchen, logging every trigger, condition, action is great for flow debugging and optimizing. but once this is done i do not need to log every trigger and condition (one such flow generates around 1MB of logs daily). So i would like to use some easy switch eg advance logging which will log only errors if OFF, and logs everything if ON. so i can turn it on if needed for investigation but off for daily use… deleting and adding cards every time is pain, i thought about creating custom variable but that needs placing check of that variable prior to every card which i do not want to be logged. lot of effort and mess :smiley: so is there any faster way how to do this? thanks in advance for any ideas that might help

Hi Henk,

Check the FTP Client app topic :wink:
So, that particular FTP card can be used like this:

Is it also possible to get Simple Log write directly into an external syslog server?

I have a syslog server running on my local (synology) NAS, I would like to write the events/logs which simple log now logs into this syslog server.

The Simple log app is really great, I use it a lot, but reading the logs is sometimes a little nightmare…
The screen is to small, also it is impossible to copy or view the entries (if long) etc…
When I use the developer page it is still the same, it just simulate a devices, sadly no page where to view the logs written in a normal way.

I would like to view the logs written in a normal (full screen) browser (via developer or via my own NAS syslog server), is this in some way possible, if so how and if not, is it possible to add this as a feature?

Yes, Create a device.

Please search for “html” in this topic. A kind user ( @To_Lou ) shared a way to view the logs as html (excel like) page!

i mean just click and view a webpage, not first extract/download, do stuff and then view that info.
The app config itself but that info in a nor mal webpage or in a screen what is a decent size and can actually be read.

How exactly?

I looked into the settings but cannot find anything what looks like a syslog server, also the better logic app I could nog find any option to connect to a external syslog server

Idk what you’ve been reading, but I only had to copy paste that html code in a file one time, and that’s it.
When I need to check the logs, all I need to do is just open that file, it’s just one click.
And when you save your browser tabs when quitting, it’s always there when you open your browser.
To me it’s clean and very simple to use.

I know you’re looking / hoping for an “in-app” experience, but somehow the web app screen for app settings can’t be extended to full screen or such.
But doubling the screensize is possible though:

But that’s not ‘easy’ to me.

In Homey, create a Device, select the Simple Log app and then select the Syslog device.
Configure it for the syslog server.