[APP][Pro] Simple (Sys) LOG - Use this app for Simple (Sys) Logging

Are you sure Arie ? It really does the removal for me :wink: Just tested repeatedly…or am I really wrong. :wink: I would not argue with you but…



Saw your update - yes, removal script for regular flows, I thought it’s not yet implemented and actually it is - that’s why I asked about it yesterday.

So you mean future improvement, that the script, when adding / modifying flows, it will first remove it ?

I’m wondering now what you actually meant by this - I think it’s not an issue, to run two scripts, one for adding, second for removal :wink:

Yeah, i ment, the Autologer creation script also has options to remove flowcards. That one doesnt work for default flows yet.
Advantage of removal through the Creation script is the fact that it only will remove flowcards that are created with the Creation script.
While the Removal script removes all flowcards from a certain app.

But the Removal script works for all flows yeah.


In case you missed it, Arie: A nice "feather up your a . . " as we say in NL :smile:, from a happy FB group member


Thanks, i didn’t know about the FB group, i just joined :slight_smile:

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Finally got the time to experiment wilt the automatic adding script, @Arie_J_Godschalk
Still having difficulties with it. I probably don’t understand it full and/or am doing something wrong.

When I change the following (which should only give me cards for THEN and ELSE if I am correct):

const positionErrorCards = { y: -3, x: 1 }; //Number of blocks relative from the card to which it is appended.
const createErrorCards = false; // = true, automaticly create logging card for each error in the selected (or all) flows.
const deleteErrorCards = false; !createErrorCards; // = true, delete all automaticly created logging card from the selected (or all) flows.

const positionTriggerCards = { y: -3, x: 1 }; //Number of blocks relative from the card to which it is appended.
const createTriggerCards = false; // = true, automaticly create logging card for each error in the selected (or all) flows.
const deleteTriggerCards = false; !createTriggerCards; // = true, delete all automaticly created logging card from the selected (or all) flows.

const positionConditionCards = { y: -3, x: 1 }; //Number of blocks relative from the card to which it is appended.
const createConditionCards = false; // = true, automaticly create logging card for each error in the selected (or all) flows.
const deleteConditionCards = false; !createConditionCards; // = true, delete all automaticly created logging card from the selected (or all) flows.

const positionActionCards = { y: -3, x: 1 }; //Number of blocks relative from the card to which it is appended.
const createActionCards = true; // = true, automaticly create logging card for each error in the selected (or all) flows.
const deleteActionCards = false; !createActionCards; // = true, delete all automaticly created logging card from the selected (or all) flows.`

It creates the following in my testflows:

(Condition cards too)

(So none in the Advanced Flow)

I am sure the flownames are correct. When I don’t modify the script (only the 2 flownames) it does add multiple cards in both flows…

What am I doing wrong / am I misunderstanding?

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I think i didn’t add the create***cards to the normal flows, just AF.
So in normal flows, all cards are always created.
Ill fix it in the next release.

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That would be great, @Arie_J_Godschalk. :+1:t2::smiley:
And for the adding of AND/Condition cards, although I assumed I disabled those?

For AF you have disabled them, yes.
For normal flows, you cannot disable anything yet.

I see, thx. That explains the behaviour for normal flows.
But there is no card created at all in advanced flows, see screenshot above. I didn’t disable the Action (THEN and ELSE) cards (I thought). Or did I do something wrong there?

No, it doesnt look like you did anything wrong, but perhaps i have a bug in the script woth the create***cards. Ill check it when i can.

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Great, thanks again for all your hard work. Really appreciated!

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first of, loving the app, great work Arie!

I’ve just received a Simple log update (now Simple (sys) log) and experience some issues with flow cards that have already existed before the latest update. On running the card it errors out with the following;

Any thoughts to what this could trigger? It’s not with all flow cards, just some (I don’t see a difference between the working ones and the ones that error out). Also, even though it errors, Simple Log does successfully log it without any issues so the problem appears to be purely in the flow creator.


I found a startup-sequence fault, resolved it in 3.0.33, live right now.
The error should be gone.

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you sir, are the best :slight_smile:


Does this mean you are using Simple Sys Log without the BetterLogicLibrary?
If so, how/why are you using severity and facility?

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correct, I do not use it. Just added them after the latest update because I do not want/like to keep them empty.

Ah, okay :slight_smile:
Well, you can leave them empty if you want, they are optional :wink:

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While Bitbucket has a 1MB attachment limit: here’s the attachment to ticket #23


I think you need to report this to Athom, there is not much i can do about this as app developer.