[APP][Pro] Samsung SmartTV

For me, the Youtube app itself loads without any selection needed. And the Netflix app does show a profile selection.

Checked and I have the same error

I can add my Samsung TV and it will turn off. However, it will not respond to turning on. I have gone through all of the steps outlined and generated an API token. Everything else seems to work, but for some reason it won’t turn on. I have the TV set for wake on remote. Any help would be appreciated.

Does it happen to be a Samsung The Frame?
Is power state polling enabled?

I know that reporting if the device is on or off is not always that accurate

It’s not a frame tv
The power state polling is enabled
Everything else works ok. It won’t let me select a source like HDMI 1, HDMI 2, but I’ve created flows using keys that work. Just more tedious.
It will turn off, but it won’t turn on.

As far as I can see in that case, everything should be ok. In order to test this, I have setup two flows. One that uses this app and the other that uses the Samsung Smart Things app. It does a very simple thing: it checks the power state and pushes a message indicating the power state. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t. It is finniky. (Not sure if it is correct English)

Setting the source has never worked I think

Hi! Absolutely love your app! Would it be possible to add a trigger card for when a particular app is running? I would like my Philips Hue lights to start a specific scene when I open Netflix on the TV after sunset. Thabks so much!

Hi. I started testing the application with a Samsung TV, everything seems to work, I can turn off the TV
 I can’t turn on the TV with the basic button in the application, but when I press the channel change button, the TV turns on. Can you suggest something? Thanks

I don’t have a real answer for you. However, I do have a suggestion: try to add Samsung Smart Things as well.

I have several Samsung TVs in my household. Three of them are smart TVs. On a daily basis one gets switched off and another one gets switched on using the Samsung Smart Things app. That works 99.99% of the time.

However, I do have some issues switching on a Samsung The Frame TV. In the flow to control that one, I play with a combination of the Samsung Smart TV and the Samsung Smart Things app. This is most likely because a The Frame TV has two stages of “off”

Thanks for the advice.
I have the TV added to SmartThings and for example Google Assistant works fine. It turns the TV on and off. Only the Homey app button doesn’t work

That’s weird.

Let me check, how I have setup the one that is switching on perfect.

As a matter of fact: nothing fancy, just added the right IP address

Hello, I have a problem with the Youtube app. The YT app won’t open for me. All other apps I tested work without any problems. Does anyone have an idea what the problem could be?

Do you get this error?

It is the same for everyone

Hi there,
Great app, seems to work great, but there is just one thing I can’t get working.
The ‘set input source to 
’ flow. I looked through alle comments, created the API-token as described, secure connection is on, but regardless of what I do, there is no ‘input source list 
’ showing when clicking the flow. Any Suggestions?

[TV] Samsung Frame Series (43)

Yes, the only suggestion is to navigate to that input using the controls.

Selecting HDMI1 doesn’t work (this has been discussed multiple times)

I currently have some flows that switch on the TV, then using the cursor keys go more times left and down then needed and from that only go the required number of times up and right. That works.

Keep in mind with a The Frame that it somehow has two different “off” stages. (I have one too and I know it behaves quite different when switching on and off than the other Samsung Smart TVs I have.)

Yes, manually navigating by using the ‘key-option’ is working. e.g. Key-right = HDMI1 → HDMI2, but this only works once. The next time I perform the flow it goes from HDMI2 → HDMI3, but I want it to be at HDMI2.
That’s why I really would like to get the function ‘set input source to
(HDMI2)’ to work but I don’t see ‘input’ (see screenshot).

Am I missing something? Or is this function just not available with my TV?

Update: I do think I get your solution → By going ‘left’ a lot of times, the cursor will always be on the first input. From there on HDMI2 will always be ‘2 times right’
 Smart :slight_smile:

I would love to have that option too. But none of us have it. And it’s sooooo close! Just the drop down needs to be filled :wink: No, you’re not missing something

I sometimes have a moment of clarity :slight_smile:

Thanks for the tip and for clarifying @Rudi_Hendrix