[APP][Pro] Power by the Hour: Insights per hour, day, month and year

I’m wondering why the kWh in a PBH device goes in minus sometimes, and the back in plus again. I use kWh as source. I tried to delete the PBH device and create a new, but it’s the same issue.
Attached screenshot shows the PBH kWh and kWh from the energy device.


Long time PBTH user, options get added like every month, but somehow I’ve found something quite useful which is not possible as of now.

PBTH has a ‘minimum power usage’ option, which (when having solar panels - as stated in your readme) only works correctly for stand-by usage after midnight AND before sunrise. I could fix this with an advanced flow, some BL vars and a virtual device. But that’s quite cumbersome and not PBTH integrated.

Is it be possible to add a ‘standby usage’ variable (+ toggle on PBTH device settings) which is only updated between midnight and sunrise AND sunset and midnight? I know Enelogic has this in the dashboard for example.

This way you can check any moment you like what today’s low (standby) usage is without solar production and compare that to yesterday or the whole month (insights).

What do you think?


I’m using the module but I’m finding that I’m not getting the accuracy I expect when I compare my electricity supplier’s Kwh/day reading with PBTH. I sometimes have a difference of more than 1Kwh or even 2.

I use the lixee module liXee Appli pour Homey | Homey as a source.
but it only takes watts into account.

When it updates within a second, I get the homey energy widget to update. On the other hand, PBTH takes a very long time to update.

So I tried to set up a virtual PBTH, but it (apparently) only accepts KW, and updates instantly, but the data is wrong.

could you help me?

Translated with DeepL.com

Can you post a screenshot of the source device capabilities ( Homey Developer Tools )?
I could maybe add the kWh as a source if I know what the capability is called in lixee.

Hope this is the good screenshot,first time i connect to this app developper :wink:

Yes this is good. You should contact the app developer. By default PBTH uses meter_power for kWh. And the app has that, but is set to null. So something is wrong there.

Secondly I see that measure_power is the apparent power, not the real power. That could explain the difference that you see when using Watts as source. Also that is something you could take up with the app developer. I would say it makes more sense to fill measure_power with the real power usage, not the apparent power.

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version 5.9.2 was published as test: Power by the Hour | Homey

  • German translation updated.
  • homey-api@3.4.8

Many thx to @DirkG for the German translation update! :kissing_heart:

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Thanks for the quick feedback.
I’ve just left a message for the developer of the Lixee module.

But I understand about the apparent power, but if I have null in the variable, I shouldn’t get any feedback from Power by the Hour?

Hi, love your app, but have some challenges.

I am trying to use PBTH to track power usage on a Nibe air/water heat pumpe that has an Homey app thorugh MyUplink.
Since PBTH does not support it directly, I try to use the virtual power summarizer.
I have made the following flows, and get data in PBTH, but for some reason it does not add hour by hour kwh and also gives me some negative values…

This is what I want to track:

This is my flow:

PBTH result which does not increment values…

Hope someone see what causes it, since I have not found the reason…

I have tried both to send all kwh data to the same PBTH device (since I want the total consumption for my heat system) and also send it to separate PBTH for heating, hotwater etc

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Is this intentional that the value for price now on the hour (HH:00) is still the price of the previous hour where as minute past the hour (HH:01) it is the correct price?

Edit: 1 second delay after a trigger solves the issue for on the hour price.

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First of all, I love your app. It works amazing.

There is just one thing I cannot get to work.
I use a Shelly Pro 3EM meter to monitor my heatpump. Unfortunately, I cannot add the Shelly meter as one meter. PBTH requires adding each phase as separate meter, because Shelly makes three meters within Homey.
Is there any way to create one meter which uses data from the three phases and sums them?



Wow, thanks for the quick reply.

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First of all and always, thanks for this app. It’s like reason I have a Homey :+1:

I have several Power meters and some of them have worked for month and years without any issue. Others sometimes have negative values. Often when going from one month to another but also between days.
I then have to go in and check how much it have gone negative and add that value manually to get it back right. This has to be done the same day so if have to check this regularly. I think I have the same settings for most of my units, but some works great.

What may be the cause of this?

Is there a difference in source app / brand / device type?

This is the setup:

Pulse from Tibber
Easee Car Charger
4 Shelly Plug S
1 Shelly 3EM

Please tell if you want me to look at some specific data from when this happened. If this can help you with the troubleshooting.

And are the negative values only with Shelly devices?

Most likely a stupid question, but I cannot find it anywhere.
I want to put in all fixed prices off Tibber/NL so that PBTH is correct.
It shows the price ex vat etc.

I can’t find out exactly what prices and/or vat I need to add in the settings in PBTH so that it shows the correct amount. I am always 1 or 2 cents off from the current prince in Tibber. Thanks in advance!


I looked at all the statistics and I can not figure this out. It might have to do with how the unit handles loss of power. This happened two weeks ago the same hour I cut the power for some minutes. Some units (Shelly) have reported a big negative number this hour (-12.000kWh or -22.000kWh) that totally messed up the statistics.

But I can also find this from the Pulse (Tibber) just 2 days ago when it reported -660.000W. I did not have any loss of power then.

But yes, it’s mainly the Shelly units. No issue with the Easee.

I use that myself. These are the settings: