[APP][Pro] Power by the Hour: Insights per hour, day, month and year

Budget statistics

Today the total usage of electricity went into ‘the red’: after net using the beginning of the year, net producing during the summer, I am now finally net using electricity. Long live solar panels!

I expect to net use 250 kWh, and entered that value in the PBTH settings:

In the device tab it shows a strange value for the statistics:

I tried different budget schemes, but that doesn’t solve it.

Am I doing something wrong?

The distribution you selected is for pure solar panel yield. But you are not metering only your solar panels. You are metering your main meter. Meaning positive usage in winter and ‘negative usage’ in summer. That requires a custom distribution. You can enter your own distribution per month. But Im not sure if it works with negative months. Guess we will find out when you try :sunglasses:

Thanks @Gruijter!

I tried with a manually entered monthly budget - with negative values in the summer - too. That also gave weird percentages.

No worries, it is not a big deal. Was just curious if I did something wrong in the settings.

Just let it run untill january. That might clean the numbers up.

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Hi there. Learning to use this excellent tool. I’ve now made some logging to Google Sheets. I find the kWh prev. day as my best measure for usage now and compare them to settings I’ve changed to other devices. I see you have a prev. month but for me living in shifting temperatures it’s relevant for a weekly report. It would be very interesting to have a “kWh prev. week” option.

@Gruijter first of all and for what it’s worth; You have my highest regards and gratitude for working so relentlessly to improve this app over time (also shoutout to the other contributors when you deserve it! :wink: ). I have used it for a long time and had the pleasure to experience it growing into one of the greatest, if not THE greatest, tool out there for the Homey community. Thank you!

Now to my request in regards to intelligently control the charge/discharge trought PBTH Battery Monitor. Could you please add support for the Sonnen battery?

Here are some basic information in regards to this. I do have a Sonnen performance 10 system installed and are more than willing to supply more information should you request it. :slight_smile:

Please also find the attached screenshot of @bogguard app device capabilities.

measure_battery is a percentage of the total stored energy
measure_power.consumption measures e.g. the total consumption of the house/consumers downstream but excluding eventual charging (in Watts) of the battery.

thank you!


Thx! Sucking up or donating always helps getting a feature request implemented :kissing_heart:

So I just released v5.9.1 for you:

  • Battery: Added support for SonnenBatterie.
  • homey-api@3.4.2

I based my code on the screenshot you posted. I’m using measure_power.batt_in as the power when the battery is discharging, and measure_power.batt_out when the battery is charging. The naming is confusing however, so I hope it is correct.
Please test and let us know if it works! (PS: you do need to fill in the total capacity and max charge/discharge power in advanced settings)


Hi! I have now tested PBTH energy calculations with shelly 3EM. Here’s an example from yesterday.
Shelly and electric company: Both are showing approx. the same values. Power by the hour calculates 18,7 Kwh. I think it’s taking only one phase in calculations (C).

to 30. marrask. 2023 klo 18.06 Robin Gruijter via Homey Community Forum (notifications@athom.discoursemail.com) kirjoitti:

Hi @Matti_Hirvonen I dont know what else to say besides what I already stated here: [APP][Pro] Power by the Hour: Insights per hour, day, month and year - #1922 by Gruijter

I dont have a Shelly EM myself, and I dont know how the Shelly app behaves. Maybe the developer of the Shelly app can help you.

Is power summarizer heavy on Homey pro 23s resources?

I have used Homeseer running on powerful computers, and didn’t had to worry much about resources.
Does power summarizer use much resources, is there any suggestion around this?

No, why do you think it does?

I don’t think it does, just wonder if it had some impact if you have power summarizer for every device that uses power.
In the setting, you set the update frequency in minutes, zero (I believe) as default for immediate update. This could increase the load a little bit is mentioned here.

Ah yeah, you are right. I should remove that remark because the load is negligable.

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I tried my very best! :joy: :heart:

I agree, I thought the same the second I saw it. At least it seems to work. :slight_smile:

I have now commenced the testing. First part of adding the device was successful. Now I created a copy of your genius flow for max Return-of-Investment which I will try out the coming days.

I do have one question for clarification though in regards to the AND card “The price is best to charge/discharge…”;

When adding the price delta in €, does it actually use the baseline price in Euro despite the fact I use a currency conversion for all the DAP tariffs and calculations?
Or should I disregard the currency symbol and go for my actual currency (SEK in this case) e.g. 0,1€ = 1.128 SEK.

Example: I want to have a price delta of 0,1€ and I use currency conversion to SEK in the PBTH price settings (DAP). This would mean I set 1,128 (Current conversion rate) in the card despite the €-symbol.

The reason I’m asking is that even though I tested for just a day or two it already accumulated “too much” and the tariff seems to be shown in my chosen conversion currency (SEK) rather than in Euros as the symbol suggests:

In the price ahead device in PBTH the SEK is shown once I replace the “Currency unit display” (¤)

Thx once again.


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@Olex many thx for your kind donation. Much appreciated! :beers::heart:

Can you add setting the “power” value?

This way I can group power devices like heat pump into the total heat pump usage without adding it up to the Energy feature in Homey since I’m currently using group to do so.


Is it possible to summarize the total power for several heaters in a room?
A group of 3 heaters combined?

Yes, via the GROUP app or the advanced capabilities app you can group devices before adding it to PBTH.

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Is it possible to count consumption of device whit has not powermeter? For example im controlling watter hester with Sonoff TH Elite flashed woth Tasmota and when it is powered on, it takes 2.2kW, so for the time when boiler is enabled, id like to count consumption based on time enabled…