[APP][Pro] Power by the Hour: Insights per hour, day, month and year

Currently, I only charge based on solar energy and use the Sessy scheme “0-op-de-meter”. So in this case every Watt that is pushed in and out of Sessy is “free” but can be calculated as a “financial win”. Same applies when discharging the Sessy with this “free” energy.
Yes, I have configured both my Sessy’s the same way.
I know that I can also use the Sessy & PBTH apps but am still playing around with the Sessy logic, as that also has a Dynamic load/unload scheme.
The ideal situation is a combination of the 2 schema’s; NOM & Dynamic when the seasons change and solar chargeing becomes less, but that’s another story.

But if this is the only/best way to get ROI insight then I’ll switch immediately. I am browsing for examples in the many postings so bare with me.
Otherwise it might be handy to have a selectable schema - solar / non-solar ?

Btw, am using v5.7.2 for PBTH

That can be debated. Over a year I have full netting (saldering in NL). That means every watt I put in the battery I could have ‘sold’ to the grid including all taxes and markups. So putting (solar) energy in my battery is far from free in my case.
And secondly, the Sessy battery loses 15-20% of the stored energy (RTE is 80-85%). So that is pure loss anyway.
And thirdly (continuing ramble😏), the Sessy costs around 3500 euro, and has a limited number of charge cycles in its lifetime. So the cost of write off is around 0,10 euro per stored kWh.

Note: I’m still very happy with my 2 Sessy’s. I have a good feeling about helping stabilize the overcrowded grid. I’m just also looking at the financials in a TCO kind of way. When netting is stopped in NL the financial businesscase will further improve.

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Okay, okay… you win :stuck_out_tongue:
In other words, dynamically charging/discharging utilizing enough gap/delta on the dynamic market is the best use case for your, or any, setup.

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From a financial standpoint. But there is also an environmental view to it. And some HSS (not Sessy) can make your house (partly) independant of the grid. So it depends what you want to achieve with a home storage system.

The ultimate goal is best of both worlds ofcourse!
Maximum use of solar energy for own consumption during evening/night time and dynamic charge/discharge during cloudy days.

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Does this solve the same issue on minimum and maximum kWh also? Looks like those aren’t reset at 0:00 also since 12 September.(I think you can check my same diag report)

It should. But lets see tonight… I expect your feedback just after midnight :yawning_face:


Not just after midnight, but the first one to report it’s ok now :+1: :grinning:

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:partying_face: I will probably push this version to stable today then. Thx 4 the feedback!

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Good afternoon,

I am experiencing issues with adding the day ahead gas prices from TTC_LEBA_EasyEnergy

I can add the device but as soon as I try to edit the device like variable markup or fixed markup it gives an error (see pic). Also it doesn’t collect any prizes from the web.

I use iOS17, 10.0.5-rc6 and latest iOS homey TestFlight app. However Homey hasn’t been able to collect gasprijzen after migration to new HP2023. I have removed and reinstalled the PBTH app, the devices etc… no resolution whatsoever. However everything else works well in the app, including devices to collect the Day-Ahead pricing for electricity

Contacted the developer, he states not having the issue himself… any advice or simular experiences anyone?

I’m trying to add a second Virtual Meter, this works, but after this, I want to add the value in kWh through a flow. This also works, no errors, but no matter what I do, I can’t see any value in the Virtual Meter.

I set up the first Virtual Meter in the same way, and everything works fine there.

Can PBTH support multiple Virtual Meters?"

you found a bug :beetle:. Will be fixed :hammer: in the next release.

v5.7.4 released as test: Power by the Hour | Homey

  • Fixed adding new summarizer devices.
  • Stability fixes.

Thank you for your reply.

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Can you confirm 5.7.4 fixed it for you?

Yes it works!

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You can add it here as feature request: [APP][Pro] Power by the Hour [Feature Requests]

My initial response would be no by the way. But maybe other users can help convince me :wink:

Today my hourly costs were zeroed at midnight and Money whole day yesterday was zero?

Hi Robin,

Quick question. I have three PV systems. I want to use the virtual PBTH summarizer to add the kWh together, so I made three flows as seen in the top post and send all three daily revenue in kWh towards the PBTH virtual by flow. Doesn’t add up though, what am I doing wrong?

Secondly I bought a Sessy, hope it comes soon, and as a prep I’m studying your apps. In that topic I saw you were able to import the hourly Tariff of zonneplan?. At least the name of the card suggested it. Am I correct you use PBTH day ahead in combination with the zonneplan costs (0,02ct opslag)? Or am I completely on the wrong track? As far as I know there is no way to read the zonneplan dongle as the have not released the API. Correct?

Best Regards,

Not sure what example you are referring to. If you have 3 kWh meters, and you want a single summary in PBTH, then it is best to first add the 3 meters in e.g. the GROUP app as a combined virtual device, and then add that virtual device to PBTH. No need to use flows for that.

PBTH can work with almost all dynamic energy suppliers in EU. The market data is openly available. In PBTH you just need to setup which market to use (for Zonneplan that would be NL), add the VAT (BTW in NL. 21%), and add the fixed taxes and markups per kWh (around 0.17 cents in NL in 2023).

I switched from Zonneplan to Tibber some months ago. Only the fixed markup is slightly different.