[APP][Pro] Power by the Hour: Insights per hour, day, month and year

the price comes from the frank app itself (because I couldn’t find a matching ttf )
but the groups are also only updated at 6 o’clock?

Ah wait, didnt see that. That would be a bug then. You should be able to set the tariff via a flow. Could take a while for me to fix it though.

In the mean time you could use DAP. Use TTF Leba or EGSI as source. Configure 21% variable markup (=BTW) and 0.68 as fixed markup per m3. Change the 0.68 a bit so the price matches what FrankEnergy states.

It’s a fantastic app!

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ah ok i will use that. I couldn’t figure it out myself so this seemed like a solution.
thanks allot!

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(Sorry of sibject already covered, was not able to see…)

New Homey user and found this great app when trying to avoid start to re-do same what surely many would/might need.

Now looking for simple way to know rank of current hour over “next hours” i.e. always based on all known hour-prices (comming 13:09 EET lately) each day including already next days prices (up to 34 hours)

Thinking if possible “The price becomes one of number lowest of today” logic to dublicate as new “The price becomes one of number lowest of Next hours”-card. Assuming some day same for highest usefull as well

Or any newbee advice to create the same with existing functionality? (and sorry for possible stupid Qs :slightly_smiling_face: )

at 6:00 this morning the ttf lebra update came with a price of €1,061 but shouldn’t this be €1,029 ?

How does this actually happen? These values are obviously impossible. I am simply feeding a virtual device with a Flow every hour.

You can only feed kWh values via a flow. Are you maybe feeding watts in stead? Or wH?

Thanks for the quick reply!

Yeah, I’m only feeding KWh as far as I can tell, but I’m probably doing something wrong… I just can’t figure out what. I have attached images of the flow.

Shelly has an issue where if they are disconnected, they reset to 0 consumption in Homey, therefor I have setup a flow that fetches data from Shellys API instead. It fetches it once an hour.

The logic value for “ShellyAvfuktarePerHour” is at this current time “0,15401” (which is 0,15kwh). So for every hour, it for example reports a total of 155Wh, which I then convert into KWh and then send to PBTH.

That is an extremely complex flow just to compensate for a bug in shelly.

But doesnt shelly also have watts? It would be way easier to use that with a pbth power summarizer, in stead if via a flow. Make sure to switch on ‘use watt as source’ in the pbth device settings.

I totally agree, but the problem is that the PBTH device gets reset and shows negative values every time the Shelly device is disconnected or has lost power. I live on the countryside and we have had 10 power outages in the past month, which is frustrating in itself…

Of course, setting it up as a Power Summarizer was the first thing I did. However I quickly noticed that when looking in Homey Insights after a disconnect, it was clear on the curve that the KWh-meter was reset to 0. And then it was reset to 0 in PBTH as well.

I also have an issue in PBTH where the tariff is not properly set when updating through a flow. Every hour, I update the tariff and before I update the tariff, I have to restart PBTH - otherwise the devices connected to the group stay on the previous value (or for a new device, it remains at 0,25 until restart of app).

And you did enable ‘use watt as source’ ?

For a Power Summarizer, no. I have just now setup a device connected directly with the Shelly-unit and have set the “Use watt as source”. I will keep an eye on the data and see if it resets or not. I guess though I can check this now by simply unplugging the device…

Still puzzled about why the (complex) flow would give those crazy values. Negatives in the millions… I send all the data of the logic value to a google sheets and it seems just fine.

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Right… The flow is not functioning properly probably because I’ve set it up incorrectly. I thought it would add consumption on top of previous consumption report. Meaning if I, via a flow, send 0.153kwh and then the next hour send 0.146kwh (which is what I did these past 2 hours) then the total consumption would be 0,299, however the consumption is instead now set to 0.146kwh and I get a value of -0.007kwh (0.153 - 0.146).

Does the virtual device only accept the “actual” meter value? Can it not update the previous numbers based on the new value sent?

A significant update is ready as test version 5.7.0: Power by the Hour | Homey

  • Migrate to homey-api@3.0.12.
  • Improved retry source devices.
  • Stability fixes.
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Hi dear @Gruijter . I have acquired two Toshiba ACs with energy metering. However there are only two capabilities for these devices:

I also created virtual Power summary device and this flow.

Putting any of the capability value does not write any value to the virtual device. I am not sure what am I doing wrong. Values are in kWh. Do you have any idea if it could work, please? I also do not know how does your app distinguish between hourly/daily values.

Many thanks for help.


I’m trying to parse the JSON-file output from “New prices received for tomorrow” using the JSON Handler “Read JSON” (in Advanced Flow), but don’t understand how to format the JSON path…? I tried so many alternatives…

The JSON (SE3) (e.g.) includes {‘0’:0.2747,‘1’:0.2678,‘2’:0.261,‘3’:0.2606,‘4’:0.2672,‘5’:0.2721,‘6’:0.272,‘7’:0.2678,‘8’:0.2625,‘9’:0.2516,‘10’:0.2409,‘11’:0.2317,‘12’:0.20,‘13’:0.15,‘14’:0.12,‘15’:0.11,‘16’:0.12,‘17’:0.20,‘18’:0.2772,‘19’:0.2927,‘20’:0.3052,‘21’:0.2944,‘22’:0.2856,‘23’:0.2725

In order to understand how JSON works, I created a similar JSON file myself using Build JSON, and this file I could then parse using Read JSON. When I create the file myself I saw that the object contains {“0”:0.2747,“1”:0.2678,“2”:0.261…
I.e. this file includes double quotes while the “New prices received for tomorrow” file contains single quotes. I guess I need to use some special format when the JSON file uses singel quotes, but I haven’t found out what…

Sorry for my lack of knowledge about JSON… trying to learn…


You can use JSON.parse to make an object from the flow tag. But did you check the device capabilities and flow cards? The today/tomorrow min/max price and hours are already available as tags.

Got it, many thanks!

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