[APP][Pro] Power by the Hour: Insights per hour, day, month and year

Many thx for your kind donation @Wim_de_Haan :beers:

I have the same problem. Normally my flow triggers when 2 lowest prices occur in the day. But when they become negative it triggers each time when its negative. I would expect it will trigger on lowest negative too :slightly_smiling_face:

First of all, thank you for this great app!

I am experiencing the same as the others. The app does not differentiate between -0.01 and -0.09. If you have several hours with prices below zero it will trigger on the first one. I am using the card “The price is one of X lowest in the Y hours before Z o’clock”.

Thx all 4 the feedback. I will dig into it.

I’m using PBTH icm Zonneplan dynamic energy to control my solarpanels. The idea is to shutdown or lower the capacity of the panels when prices become negative. This to prevent I have to pay for the solar energy I put on the net.

What’s the best price to count with?
Prices including BTW and ‘Vaste opslag’ or without.

It depends on your situation. In the Netherlands it is possible to ‘net’ the taxes for energy produced against energy used, calculated over a 12 months period.

In my own case: I produce less energy per year than what I use. So I use the price including BTW and energy taxes. Even when the net price on the day ahead exchange is somewhat negative, I still want to deliver my solar energy to the grid, since the taxes are still providing ‘income’ for me.
Only when the price including BTW and taxes is negative, then I want to shut down my solar panels, since they will cost me money at that time.

For a detailed discussion on the NL situation you can visit here: Het grote day ahead / dynamische energieprijzen topic. - Themaforum: De Energierekening - GoT


Thank you very much for this information :+1:t2:

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Hello @Gruijter ,

When the price is identical several hours in a row, this flow triggers every hour. My asumption was that it only would trigger once, the first hour. It triggered twice. 01:00 and 02:00 today. Attached screenshot of pricing and the flow trigger. Do you think that you can provide a fix for this?

Price becomes one of the 1 lowest in the 8 hours before 8:

PBTH pricing today:

Hour detail pricing:

Timeline information from Homey:


What goes wrong?

Why do you think anything is wrong? All looks ok to me.

Every Reading reset at midnight but not the gas.

Can you post a screenshot of your gas summarizer device settings?

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Yes it is supposed to reset just after midnight. But it has reset when the gas was used again in the morning. Will have to look at it.

Nice new dashboard functionality: [APP][Pro] Dashboards - Custom dashboards for your Homey
With my first attempt of an energy dashboard :wink:


I haven’t installed this dashboard yet, but am just curious how you retrieve the chart-image from PBTH?


Hi @Niclas , that is standard functionality of this dashboard. You can add an image widget, and then you can choose from all available image’s. For instance camera’s or this pbth graphs (look at your developer tools page under “images” which are available). The widget can be configured with a refresh rate.


why is the tarrif update group not working for me?
its also not working with test numbers…

Do you see a price in the app itself? It seems to be set to 0 looking at the settings. And know that a price update for gas only happens at 6 in the morning, so did you wait that long? And did the price actually change then?

@TomBoz Many thanks for your kind donation. Much appreciated! :beers:

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