[APP][Pro] Power by the Hour: Insights per hour, day, month and year

First results

The kWh value is raised but reset to zero at 1630

First of all, Happy new year to all of you :slight_smile: :fireworks:

Second, my first findings on 5.0.5. Behavior is different now

First graph is of the “source” (Youless on S0 of dedicated kwh counter of solar panels)
Second graph (green) shows strange behavior between 16:00 and 17:00 (the moment the solar panels stop delivering power) and also at begin of today (around 9, the moment the solar panels start delivering power).
Third en fourth grap show this same behavior. Strange is the loss of energy at 16:55 from 0.5950 to 0.2230 kWh (=0,372).

Let’s zoom in on last 6 hours.

Second graph, strange dip (-2369W) and (longer) peek (6308W) between 9:03 and 9:21.
Third graph, strange behavior around 9:00. Big jump to 0.374kWh, looks like it’s taking back the energy he lost the afternoon before at 16:55?

My findings:

All graphs are in sync but ‘kWh deze dag’ starts with 0.75 kWh, a value ‘received’ at 5.00 am. before that, is was zero from 00:00. And before 00:00, it was 0.75 kWh (see graph below)

Happy new year!

There must be something circular happening in my code. But I cant get my head around it. Had a virus the past days so my brain isnt working as I like :crazy_face:

I will keep digging. I have some weird behavior myself too. Sure I will find it, but this could take a while…

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@Wout-1976 many thanks for your kind donation! :partying_face::heart:

@Torch1969 many thx for your donation❣️

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Are the problems only with the graphs or are the numbers per device also wrong?

Result for today:
I added a second device (… Nieuw) to look for difference in old and new added device. Old device has some more kWh because of false start in the morning (see my post above)

First “vermogen” goes down, as a result of that, kwh_dag goes wrong.

At 17:08 I did restart of PBTH app

Has anyone the correct values for zonneplan? :blush:

I’ve got it :smiley:

Current epex prise = 0,05495
So: (0,05495 + 0,13) *1,21 = 22 cent

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That is not including the 0,303 cents (including 21%tax) that Zonneplan adds as markup. So you need to include that as well to get their sales price including all taxes.

Edit: I just looked up the energy tax on electricity in NL 2023: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.vattenfall.nl/grootzakelijk/energiebelasting/tarieven-2023/&ved=2ahUKEwidl6KLgKf8AhUyPewKHaauBKgQFnoECFYQAQ&usg=AOvVaw1k9d-zsESaD37C1keMagJp

It is 0,12599 ex 21% sales tax, so 0,1524479 including sales tax. With the extra 0,00303 that makes the total markups per kWh for Zonneplan Electricity:
Variable: 21 %
fixed: 0,1554779 euro

For gas you need to have TTF EGSI plus 21% sales tax, plus 0,48980×1,21 energy tax, plus 0,04999 markup. So in total the markups per m3 for Zonneplan gas is:
Variable: 21%
Fixed: 0,642648 euro


Do you also have those numbers for gas? :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

read again. it’s there

Nice one!

I tried this myself, but my Siemens Home Connect dishwasher shuts down after ?a few minutes? because of energy saving. How do you keep your dishwasher on for several hours? :slight_smile:

Before closing the door I press the home connect button (or whatever it is called, not at my didhwasher right now). This leaves the machine on waiting for the start command from Homey.

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Ok thanks, makes sense. I will try it.

Keep up the good work!

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Hi @Gruijter,
I did some testing and see that the app consideres it more times than only on “2 lowest prices of today”. It showed from 1-8h am. It happened when the prices were below zero on 1.1.2023. I assume the prices were rounded down to zero and reported all these hours.
My flow:


ah that explains the 157.7% :+1:
CleanShot 2023-01-02 at 19.44.07

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new test version 5.0.6 was just released.

  • Fixed source capability detection during pair.
  • Added meter update queueing.
  • Stability improvements.

I did find an issue with meter handling. I created a queueing system to deal with that. I really hope this was the cause of (most of) the meter/money value jumps :pray:


Does the experimental version update automatic?