[APP][Pro] Power by the Hour: Insights per hour, day, month and year

I have a question for you all.

At this moment only the costs per kWh (power) or m3 (gas/water) are taken into account in PBTH. Would it make sense to add the option for fixed costs per month or year? E.g. My energy provider is charging 5 euro per month, independent how much I use. Also there are fixed netfees and government subsidies (= negative costs).

Now my question is: would you like to be able to have these fixed monthly/yearly costs also included in the monetary values (this hour, this day, this month, this year)? And if so: how? E.g. add the full fixed costs per month to the first day/hour of the month, or add them bit by bit at the beginning of every day or every hour, or something else?

And would this be a function of the Day-ahead pricing ‘device’ (with the hourly spot prices), or would this be a function of each individual summarazer ‘device’.?


The prices for my price zone (NO2) does not match the prices from my elevtricity provider for the same day. I have manually added the NOK currency (10,31):

The data is coming from here: Data view

These are the net market prices in Euro without any markups and taxes. What is not correct according to you?

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It’s probably the taxes. Tibber (electricity provider) says that the current price is 2,12 NOK. If I add 25% VAT I get 2,11 from your app. Seems right!

Sorry for the mistake.

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You do know you can set the tax, markups and exchange rate in the device settings, right?

I was aware of exchange rate, but hadn’t noticed markup/taxes. Is there anyway to auto-update correct exchange rate?

I created a flow card to do that. But you will have to get the rate somewhere yourself. I bet there is a GET http:// for that.

I have never tried GET http://, but will read and see if I can figure it out. Thanks!

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Another question from my side…

I have set currency to NOK and set the correct exchange rate. However, when fetching the average price it shows with currency €. Not sure if that is the problem though…

I have made three flows like this:

  1. If price < 1 then variable is 6
  2. If price < 0,5 then variable is 8
  3. If price > 3 then variable is 2

The problem is tht all of these sets the variable, which I find contradicting since price can’t be both <1 and >3(?).

You can change the currency sign also in the advanced device settings. Note: It only changes the sign and not the exchange rate.

new version 4.3.7 is available:

  • Fixed gas price fetching.
  • Fix DAP send LEBA gas rate.

I overdid myself (again :roll_eyes:) #patmyselfontheback

I just uploaded version 4.4.1.

  • Added automatic fetching of exchange rates.
  • DAP markup is now in local currency.

So now all you non-Euro users out there can get their exchange rate automatically updated :partying_face:.

The rates are coming from the European Central Bank and are updated by them once a day: Euro foreign exchange reference rates

This change made me change how fixed markups are now calculated. You can (must) now enter the fixed markup in your own currency and not in Euro. During migration to 4.4.1 I already recalculated the markup for you.

So check the new DAP currency and markup settings after installing this version!


Any volunteers here to help translate PBTH?

version 4.4.3 is now released for testing: Power by the Hour | Homey

  • Added DAP day/night markup (Grid cost in Norway).
  • Fixed time zone offset for Estonia.

It adds the possibility to set a day/night grid tariff for spot prices. This is needed for Norwegian users, but maybe also useful in other countries.

@Kai_Engvik Can you test this?

A nasty time zone offset that appeared in Estonia should also be fixed now.

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Thank you for this, I have updated currency settings, yet everything appears still with EUR, do I miss something?

You must also set the Currency unit display. If you leave it empty it will show the Euro sign.

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I guess I have it set…

Btw If I would like rate to be automatically fetched, shall I keep Exchange rate with € empty?

Then what is still showing in euro? Do you have a screenshot?

And you can set the exchange rate manually. It will be automatically overwritten on every hour if you enabled the automatic update.

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Yes, will check at soonest :slight_smile: Is day night markup set at 22 and 06?

Yes, daytime is fixed from 06:00 untill 22:00 local time.

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