[APP][Pro] Plejd - Smart lighting for everyone (Community)

Homey doesn’t update when I control the lights from the dimmers, but updates fine when controls from homey. So if I turn off a light it stays on in homey….

Sims to be related to the other issue I have where the buttons don’t send button press to homey, sims like homey can control but not receive data form plejd.

Anyone have an idea of what can be the issue?

Found out that somehow the username and password had been cleared from the app settings but not from the add devices view. After adding the username and password in the settings of the app, it started working again.

So it’s kind of working? It shows up as a light but you can control it?

Going to install them myself, so just wondering.

Yes, it shows up as a dimmer. Can’t control it. Plejd app says it’s moving when I control it in homey, but nothing happens.

I only just now saw the new update that includes scenes :star_struck: And with that I can finally activate flow through my impuls buttons :heart_eyes: Can not wait to reprogram my flowes :partying_face:

@Emil_Ohman Is there any way i can help you to add this device to your app?

How to get two different action fram one Plejd button? Eks: First press on Plejd button gives dimming too 50%. Second press give dimming too 85%…

I explain how I do that with a Flic button here. You could use the same technique.


Nice app. Has worked flawless with multiple devices so fare. One thing that I haven’t been able to find out, does it support setting color temperature for devices like the LED-75? Would be nice together with moods.

Nice that this app even allow connect devices trough the cloud. And it allows me to connect my DIM01 to my HP2023. But unfortunatelly I can only see this device in system, but can’t control it. Device don’t react on commands from HP2023 and report “Connecting to Plejd BLE mesh”. What the reason can be?

Maybe you have the “homey4d” model? Anyone knows if a Homey 2023 Pro can actually report as this model? If this is the case, it seems the only workaround is to buy a Plejd gateway and use the official app?

Is it correct that to use this unofficial app, I first map the buttons to the Plejd app as scenes, then I add those scenes to buttons in the Homey app? Is there a good guid ein this thread somewhere?

"Known issues
There is a known problem with BLE on all Homey models with id homey4d reported to Athom here: BLE - Connection problem · Issue #245 · athombv/homey-apps-sdk-issues · GitHub
To see the modelId for your device go to Homey Developer Tools and login with your Homey login and read the homeyModelId. Should be something similar to: homey2s or homey4d.

If you have the homey4d model you’ll most likely have problems with connecting to your Plejd devices, receive timeouts and connections gets lost."

I have “homey5q”


Feature request: Duration setting in Then cards.

I have a flow that now uses the transition function in the Chronograph app to slowly dim the lights in my living room when motion is detected in the morning. This makes for a rather complex flow.

My living room consists of IKEA lamps and Plejd dimmers. The IKEA lamps have the ability to add a duration setting to the Then cards for dimming, which makes it really easy to make these transitions. The only reason why I have to use the Chronograph is beacuse my Plejd dimmers doesn’t support this functionality. So my request is if it is possible to add this functionality to your app?

Here’s a GIF to show what I mean:
Plejd Duration Then Card

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I’m enjoying this Plejd integration a lot. However as I have an extensive Plejd installation I have a couple of units I wonder if you have any plans of implementing.

CCL-01 Plafond with sensor, this appears as an standard dimming unit, no ability to adjust warmth or utilize the movement sensor.

WRT-01 (connected to my CCL-01 via Plejd app) not able to integrate an utilize.

TRM-01 the new thermostat, this appears as an standard dimming unit, would have been nice if it would appear as an thermostat to be controlled accordingly.