Hi Edwin,
I’m pleased to report that the child lock ‘then’ card is working
Thank you for the super quick implementation
Edit: diagnostics key ‘684cbb32-fbcc-4425-a2f7-eb50bbc557cb’
Is this the report you meant?
Kind regards,
Hi Edwin,
I’m pleased to report that the child lock ‘then’ card is working
Thank you for the super quick implementation
Edit: diagnostics key ‘684cbb32-fbcc-4425-a2f7-eb50bbc557cb’
Is this the report you meant?
Kind regards,
The Philips AC4221 and AC3421 air purifiers are recognised but cannot be controlled.
you can send me a diagnostic report, will check what they use as format.
also if you have 2 devices , make sure you add 60 delay on 1 of the 2 ( device settings) else you can expect no response of 1 of the 2.
This is my latest diagnostic report based on Beta-App 1.0.83: 0c1605c7-f46b-4168-aa68-60b265c3f93e
The old one is: 96638112-6b6c-4652-a31c-e63f7b302686
I have installed a total of four Philips air purifiers: AC3033, AMF870, AC3421 and AC4221. Only the AC3033 can be controlled. I can at least get readings from the sensors on the other devices.
The Philips AC4220/12 cannot be controlled: 1f698979038a6-42a6-9e6b-6ad-da6a354eb
checking and will add it.
can you try this Philips Air | Homey
Yes! It’s working!
now working to move away from polling and do observing. When there is some update, device will be updated with the changes and should also work better now with 2 or more devices.
new test version Philips Air | Homey
I moved away from polling to observing and don’t see conflicts anymore on my side when you have 2 more devices when there is an update from the air device, I will get it and update the homey device capabilities
Is AC3220/10 supported?
I think it’s a 2024 model, but trying to create a >2020 device for it doesn’t seem to work
so you don’'t see any values? mostly that works for all. can you send me a diagnostic report.
Actually it works now. In the sense I could now add the device. And it shows values indeed.
However when I use the power button or the slider in Homey, the purifier does not respond in any way.
yes I need to know what protocol it uses, can you send me a report and I will add the basic operations.
Also have the same device, AC3220/10, can add it and it shows all values correctly, cant control the device from homey no button is working.
What do you need? Do i need to generate a report en send you the code ?
I want to use it in a flow to turn on when my 3d printer is starting to print.
Thanks for your effort.
yeah , if you can go to my app, do send diagnostic report and I will add it.
got it
can you try this 1 Philips Air | Homey
also @Joseph
I also sent you my report key Edwin
Send you a new report