[App][Pro] PaperTrails Log - Advanced Logging and SysLog

Thanks for the update @Dijker. And for clearing the way for @Arie_J_Godschalk (or someone else) to replace Papertrails cards for Simple Log cards…
Even a way for deleting all Papertrails cards on SDK 2 would be great to start fresh on SDK3 with Simple Log…

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Hi Geurt,

I use Papertrails since I started with Homey and it was many, many times very useful to find out what was going wrong with my flows :upside_down_face:
Like you say, Arie has upgraded SimpleLog big time and, the main thing I liked about Papertrails, is just recently possible with SimpleLog: to be able to auto add/remove logcards to some/all of my flows.

I want to thank you big time m8!


Very true. I must thank you again (as I did in the PM); Papertrails has helped me a lot in troubleshooting. But in understanding how Homey flows work as well… such an app it so very useful when you are trying to find your way in such a new device/environment…

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Thank you for your effort, Geurt. Papertrails has been an invaluable addition to my setup. I especially loved the syslog-server functionality.
I already noticed that this is not available in Simple Log, so let’s see how we can work around that.

What are you missing?
I didn’t know the PaperTrails Log (yeah by name ofc, but i didn’t use it) and never intended to replace it.
I just gave answer to a few feature requests about Syslog interfacing.

Now, i don’t know what’s missing, but, perhaps i can add it to help migration?

Could the Papertrails host a Syslog-server?

If so, that is planned for Simple Log ( [APP][Pro] Simple (Sys) LOG - Use this app for Simple (Sys) Logging - Apps - Homey Community Forum), if not, please explain (perhaps on the Simple Log topic) what you mean?

I think I did not use the proper wording to make myself clear.
What I meant is that I use Papertrails to send each log-entry to my Raspberry Pi syslog server. I just read that this should be possible with your app as well, by adding a device.
I will experiment this weekend, but it seems your app does everything I am looking for!

EDIT: Did a quick test and it is already working. Great stuff!

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Hi! Just wanted to let you know that the settings screen is not fully working in the desktop version yet. The tabs navigation seems to be broken, clicking them does not do anything.

Did anyone get this working?
(All my flows have papertrails cards currently.

Yes, it’s mentioned in the Simple Log topic

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I just updated the App to SDK3 and released to Test channel.
You can find it here:


  • Updated to SDK3, now finally compatible with Homey Pro (Early 2023)
  • Removed both localized time presentations (“Normal Seconds” and “Precise mSec.”) to simplify the App. Only option and default is now “UTC” aka “GMT” aka “Zulu” time. presented in the format: [2024-10-03T21:09:51.998Z]
  • Fixed the issue with the setting screen reported above.

After some more testing it will be released to stable channel.


I have the test version. Now the time stamp is wrong. Delete the test version its not good time.

reboot and the time stamp is back to normal as the old version. which I like better.
Homey 2019

I guess you mean different from before.
That’s correct.

I choose to simplify the App and to make it up to date for HP2023.

No I mean the time is wrong. two hours early. and I install the stable version and the time is right again.

thats GMT:

Great, thx for this, @Dijker!

Any chance in an update for the website where logcards could automatically be added and removed to/from every Homey flow as well?

Or any other way for adding automatic Papertrails flowcards?

Would still prefer Papertrails over Simplelog for it’s simplicity… :wink:

Yeah that’s strange that the test version has the wrong time notation. it should be the same homey time. luckily the normal version still works.


Nope that Site I don’t think.
But Arie did some great work,


guess it doesn’t need much change to rewrite that to Papertrails :wink:
But first I want other legacy and history removed from the code and updated / re-written, before adding new features.

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I know, but still doesn’t work very well in my case… :frowning:

Fully understandable.
If (in time) it could be done with a script/ then that would be awesome too.

Thanks for the work so far!

Nope, it is now by design :wink:

ah okay i understand. then i’ll just turn off the update before it goes live. :wink:

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