[APP][Pro] Misol and Ecowitt (Release 0.1.44, Test 0.1.45 )

Hi Adrian,

Just connected my brand new Ecowitt Wittboy and it’s working perfect with your app !
I was just wondering if it’s possible to change some units.
For windspeed I would prefer m/s and for wind-direction I would prefer to see North or North/East for example.
I remember I read something about this subject but I can’t find it anymore.

Best regards,


Test version is in the store.
Wind Units are changed in the Configure App screen.

Hi Adrian,
Thanks for adding the options…faster than light :grin:
It’s perfect now !

Best regards,


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I only see the setting for wind speed units, not the one for wind direction (N, NW, etc). My weather station does support wind direction, but I can only see the data displayed in degrees.

It should appear at the bottom of the screen as it is added to an existing device.

Oh, wow. Totally missed that. Working great!

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Hi Adrian,
Since your last update, changing the name of “max gust strength” I have 2 identical icons.
Ofcourse I know 1 of them is the maximum gust strength but it’s a little bit confusing now.
I am not sure why you changed the name, I think it was perfect as it was.


Oh, and maybe a nice option for any future release….the possibility to change the order and visibility of the indicators, so you can make your own list of favorite indicators…in the order of your preference.

That would be nice, but the Homey interface doesn’t support that.

I have fixed that one. It was a side affect of changing units. I t seems the changing capabilityOptions via code resets all the items that are not specified, so by setting the units reset the title. Now I know that, I read all the settings, change the units and then write all the settings.

Hi Adrian,
I am on 0.1.31 but I still have 2 indicators with the same name.
Already tried restarting the app, setting the units back to km/h and back again to m/s.
But still 2 indicators with the same name.
I also noticed that a part of the indicators is in English and a part of the indicators is in Dutch…

Best regards,


Hmm, you might have to remove the device and add it back to fix the title, but I will see if I can repair that if you have flows depending on it.

All the built-in capabilities will appear in the Homey language but I haven’t got translation for the custom ones. If you would like to give me a list of the missing Dutch text along with the current English, so I know what they are, then I will update my capabilities.

I will remove the device and see if it helps.
I will also make a list of the translation asap.

Thanks !


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I’ve translated the Weather Station capabilities in Dutch some time ago. Also used some alternative writings for the units (like km/u instead of Km/H) and wind directions. I can easily share them, when interested.

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Please do !

@ Adrian,
After removing and adding the device again, the indicator-names are fixed !


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What is your translation for:

Max gust strenght
Rain rate
Rain event


I quickly copy/pasted most (I think?) of the translations in this gist:

Note that some of the translations were hardcoded, so I’m not sure that they can easily be added by @Adrian_Rockall.

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Thank you. I will add those to the next update.

sorry but I use a translator, I’m Italian :sweat_smile:

can I integrate this weather station into Homey?


I think so.
I haven’t tried the GW2000 but it looks like it supports the same protocol.

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