[APP][Pro] Misol and Ecowitt (Release 0.1.44, Test 0.1.45 )

But 206 hours are nearly 5 Days. And it rained every day several times. Me and my dogs would have appreciated it very much when it had been dry for the last 5 days.

Has it rained since you updated?

No. Today there is less rain than the days before.

It should reset when it next rains. As it was looking at the wrong data before it never registered rain so hasnā€™t updated the time that it last rained. You could remove the device and add it again as that will initialise the last rained date to when the device is added, or just wait. If it doesnā€™t reset after it rains then let me know.

Ah, OK. Thanks. I will wait. It will not take very much time, I think.

Hi Adrian, I registered another point. Energy consumption is not correct in Homey. In the Ecowitt App it says ā€žnormalā€œ an in the ā€žEnergyā€œ part of Homey it says ā€žlowā€œ. See attached pictures:

In the Ecowitt app does it just show normal or is there a level.?
I noticed the battery is reported differently on your device as it shows a voltage whereas the others just show a boolean for low battery.

Battery information should be OK in the new test version.

Stimmt! Jetzt passt alles :grinning:
Super! Danke!!!

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Iā€™m trying to connect my Ecowitt WS2910 (https://www.amazon.de/dp/B0BBRDCL8R) with Homey using your app. Also got a GW1100 (https://www.amazon.de/dp/B0991GWB7W). Both are connected to my local WIFI.
The WS View App on my Android reports:
GW1100A-WIFIFC87 V2.2.1 on and EasyWeatherPro-A547C9 V5.1.1 on

I can see temp/humidity/pressure data in the app for GW1100. Cannot see data for the WS2910 in the app; not sure if I should. Didnā€™t configure a server there, just my homey-.local for the GW1100. However I get readings from the outdoor WeatherStation 7-1 sensor array for the WS2910 display console as expected.

I was able to add the gateway device as GW1100A in the homey app and also receive sensor data (temp/humidity/pressure) in the homey app. However Iā€™m unable to connect the WeatherStation. Homey says no new device is found when I try.

Iā€™m not sure what Iā€™m missing here. I tried to also configure the WS2910 to use the custom upload to homey assuming that I might have to for both the GW1100 and the WS2910 console, but that didnā€™t make any difference. All devices opperate on 868MHz.

Iā€™d appreciate any ideas what to try to get homey also detect the outdoor sensor.


You will need to configure the custom upload for both as they are independent of each others settings.
The Homey app will only recognise devices once it has received data that has been pushed to it via those custom settings.
I can see from your log that it has only received data from the GW1100A.
One thing I would suggest is try adding Homeyā€™s IP address instead of the of the homey local URL just in case the WS2910 is having issues resolving the it.

Thanks. Done that.
I guess the primary problem however was that the sensor array wasnā€™t recognized by the GW1100A at first at all and/or I probably only had the gateway configured to submit data to homey initially.
After realizing that in the http://ws-gateway/sensorsID.html list I had to re-register the ā€œTemp & Humidity & Solar & Wind & Rainā€ sensor. There it shows which ID it got assigned and if signal strength is fine. After that I also got the sensor detected in the Homey app and also got many more readings. Currently as said I also got WS2910 (thru: http://weatherstation/weatherServices.html) and GW1100A both configured to send data - just to be safe - to homey and also using the local hostname works smooth.
Actually Iā€™m wonderingā€¦ Does one really need an extra gateway or would any wifi enabled console or whatever suffice as long as ā€œsomethingā€ even the console, is configurable to send Ecowitt-style data to a custom endpoint like homey?
Well, probably Iā€™ll find outā€¦ Will add some soil moisture and another external temp. sensor in a few days. Given that the WS2910 wouldnā€™t have widgets for that on the display anyway, Iā€™ll try to register them with the gateway using the internal HTTP admin interface again. Will give an update as soon as I got those devices up and running.
Best regards, Michael

Hey @Adrian_Rockall!

Iā€™m really happy with your app, and Iā€™m using it for a lot of my flows.

There is just one thingā€¦ I noticed that the icon for weather station devices kinda stands out between the other Homey device icons.

I was wondering if you would consider to implement this version Iā€™ve made.

If so, hereā€™s the SVG file:

It follows the same style of all the modern Homey device icons.


Hi @Adrian_Rockall, I just wanted to say that the ā€œsupportā€ link on the Homey app store doesnā€™t link to this page or its Github but instead to your Somfy TaHoma app Github page.

Oops, thanks for letting me know.

Hi Bas,
I read somewhere that you have connected an Alecto WS5500 to homey using this app.
Do I still need a Misol or Ecowitt gateway to do this?
Is the data (especially windspeed) updated often enough to use in flows controlling sunscreens for example?



You donā€™t need the gateway. The WS5500 can connect directly to this app.

The update interval can be set in the WSView app. In my case it uploads the data every 16 seconds. So it should work perfectly for your use case.

I still have to buy a weatherstation, so I could go for a Ecowitt-version.
Not sure if there is a big difference between the 2.
And I really like the looks of the GW2001 WittBoy

Hi @Adrian_Rockall, is it possible to use a Ecowitt gateway GW1100A and soil sensors parallel on two different Homeys (HP19 and HP23) with two different IP addresses in the same WiFi network?
I tried to use a semicolon between the two IPs, but that doesnā€™t worked. But I have to say that I have absolutely no IT network knowledge and that was just an attempt.

I donā€™t think itā€™s possible. As far as I can see, the gateway will only take one IP address.

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