[APP][Pro] Misol and Ecowitt (Release 0.1.44, Test 0.1.45 )

Don’t know if it is the same but my garden sensors did not update for 8 days. Or the moisture did not change or Homey or the app did not update.
But now it works.

Another problem was that my Homey did have a update and after a restart the ip adres has changed. I thought i had a fixed ip but it was not.
So maybe your ip of Homey has changed.

Don’t know exactly when I did have the Homey update. Last update was 3 days ago.

@Mike1233 has a good point. It Homey’s IP address changes then you will need to reconfigure the hub so it sends data to the correct place.

Thx Adrain and mike, I will check the ip adres and let you know…

Hi Adrian and Mike, that was it, ip adress homey was changed indeed. Set it to fixed ip adres now and changed the settings. Thx :pray: also for the quick respons!
Have a great weekend


Today i have installed version V2.2.8 on my GW1100C (GW1100C_V2.2.8)
Still working with this app on my HP19.

  • just for info.
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I am looking for a weather station that can come on Homey.

Your app here, can you make flows, so if it starts to rain, my lawnmower stops, and if it stops raining again, the lawnmower starts again.

It was just an example, it could also be that it starts to rain, so send a message that the laundry needs to come in as it has started to rain, and now it has stopped raining, so now the laundry can come out again.

The other thing I want to ask is whether you can make flows with luminance in AND cards?

For example, I want my outdoor light to switch on when there is movement and the luminance is less than xxx.

What would you recommend buying to do these things, and equipment to make it work with your app? What works best. I have been inside their shop and see what they sell of different products, but there are many to choose from, and I honestly don’t know what I need to get started.

That should all be possible. If you look at the app in the store, it shows what Flow cards are provided for each device. Just click on the device to filter the cards.
You can also use the Logic condition cards along with tags for any of the capabilities, so that will cover the luminance question.
As for the hardware, there are quite a few options. The main requirement is to be compatible with one of the gateways such as the GW1000.

Hello. Is there a way to change the wind units in the Ecowitt App in Homey to display as km/h instead of m/s?
I have a WS90 Wittboy Pro weather station


It’s in the app settings page.


How did you connect it to Homey, I don’t see the gateway in the app ? :thinking:

The first post describes what you need to do to add the gateway.


My GW1100A wants to update to Firmware V2.3.1.

Is it safe to do this, anyone experience with this update?


I updated mine a few days ago to try and fix an issue where it floods my network with mDNS messages.
So far it’s working much better.

Thanks Adrian, I will gif it a try. :grinning:

Hi, I did the update of my GW1100A to Firmware V2.3.1.
Everything is workinge fine :sweat_smile:


Hi there, I own a WS1900A. Any chance this will be supported in the future? Thanks!

I have had a look but I can’t see that it supports exporting data.
Can you find a way to configure it to send data to a server or custom push?

I know you can create sharelinks of your data via ecowitt.net, like for instance https://www.ecowitt.net/home/share?authorize=QEVQF1&device_id=Nzl4NlhCMGFLNnl6VFVrZ3dpUThTQT09

But I don’t know whether this helps…


This app works with local push notifications, so you have to configure the device to push the data to Homey.


I am on my Homey Pro 2023, Ver. 10.3.0.

I updated to the new android (Phone) app Ver.

In devices there is a new tile “Climate”, where you can find your thermostats and thermometers.

My Misol/Ecowitt thermometers are not visible and not considered for the average(?) calculations in this tile.

(The same for the “Group” and the “Virtual” thermometers)

Other users have the same experience? or is it only me?