[App][Pro] Micro Web Server

I am using the Dashboard App of @skogsaas. In this one, I have added a “iFrame” Widget to display an html web page (with some javascripts).

I wanted to host that html web page on your Micro Web Server, so my dashboard runs 100% locally. Unfortunately, the page can be displayed in the ‘iFrame’ only if it is accessed via https.

If not mistaking, https is not (yet) supported by Micro Web Server. Is it ?

The error when trying to access resources on http instead of https from the Dashboard is
Mixed Content: The page at 'https://<MY IP>.homey.homeylocal.com/app/skogsaas.dashboards/assets/dashboard/board/?id=264d66e2-cdd0-4f62-8823-426e124f3b3e' was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure resource 'http://<My IP>:5080/weather.html'. This request has been blocked; the content must be served over HTTPS.