[APP][Pro] IcalCalendar

You can use the advanced action flow cards:

Get calendars metadata

This will return a JSON representation of all your calendars and the event indexes in each calendar. The events array is sorted by start date, so index 0 will be the first event to start in that calendar.

Get calendar event

This card expects an event index and a calendar and returns the tokens for the event


Here’s a script example for HomeyScript to get events by event index

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Hi, when i use the Title tag i get an error


What can i do to solve this

Which trigger card is this from? Please share a screenshot of your flow so I can see the connection

Send a screenshot when I’m home.

But doesn’t matter which i got the same when uses this trigger card.

When event start
When event change
When event added

Latest update: also with 5 calendars the app is running smoothly. No crashes, low CPU usage. I’ve deleted all appointments before January 1st (and stored them in a different calendar), so it’s mostly future appointments.

I see the app checking the calendars every 15 minutes. Is it possible to reduce this interval to lower the CPU load on Homey?

I’m guessing you mean increase the interval, so it runs less frequent.

This could possibly be configured in the settings.

Could you please create an issue on GitHub?

Done, thanks!

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@runely First I love your app and using it already a long time, using it mostly to control the heater in house for my divergent start times for work . Now I have got a new ics link from my work and get the following error: unable to verify the first certificate

Is there a possibility to get this calendar working in you app?

This public calendar is working good on mac calender app.

Can sent you the link by PM if you like?

Keep in mind that the ics link has to be publicly open with no authentication.

Can you successfully open the ics link in a new in private (incognito) window in one of your browsers?

If IcalCalendar can’t open a url, the error message should be shown in be bottom of the settings app in IcalCalendar.

Send me a diagnostics report and I’ll have a look at what the problem is

when I open the link in safari on my iphone it is showing the agenda.

the error message: unable to verify the first certificate is indeed from the bottom of the settings app.

Have sent you a diagnostics report: 60c82c29-23da-4ee0-9fa2-514951af1adf

It looks like the ics link you are using are using an untrusted SSL certificate! That’s why IcalCalendar cant retrieve the calendar.

I would like to use the calendar from my Synology NAS (DS220+) in the IcalCalender app.
I would like to send events to my Ulanzi digital Clock. The link that Synology provides doesn’t work in the IcalCalender app. Error: request failed with status code 401

Is it possible to use the Synology Calendar in IcalCalender?
Thanks for the answer!

That’s strange, it’s a link from my work planning system. When I put this link in safari or chrome or put is in a calendar app it is not giving your error message. Is the IcalCalendar app more untrustworthy then these apps :wink:

How did you produce this error message? Because I think I need to contact my work to fix the SSL certificate?

I opened a new empty chrome tab, pasted in the url for the ics file. After the ics file was downloaded i clicked the i icon next to the url.

I tried the same with my ics url from google which also states it uses an unstrusted certificate, which i know they dont, so i guess that method isn’t correct.

Found this StackOverflow article, the error shown when trying to fetch the ics from your url is probably because the site is using an SSL certificate signed with a chain which isn’t publicly available.

You can use any URL as long as your Homey can reach it, the url can not have any authentication applied and the url must present the ics file. This means that you must be able to take the url and paste it into any web browser and get the ics file without presenting any credentials whatsoever!

Hi there, I would like to verify if my end goal is achievable through this app before diving headfirst into just trying it.

For my work I have a schedule where ideally have different wake up alarms for every other monday. What I was thinking of doing is creating a separate Google calendar with recurring events that signify which alarms to enable/disable then use this app to read that calendar and enable/disable the alarms in Homey. I could then have flows that trigger before/on the alarms to subsequently wake me up by whatever means I see fit.

So what I’m asking is if with this app I could read such recurring events from a calendar in a reliable way. This would essentially come down to when let’s say at 23:00 on Sunday it sees a recurring event of “Monday early riser” as a recurring all day event for the following monday it enables the alarm “Monday 6:20” and disables “Monday 7:20”

Yes that’s possible

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Does it find a day event with the Title ?

Tried to get it working with

What am I doing wrong ???

Is There any scheduling examples for starting an event over more than one day to start at mid day and end on mid day for the last day ???

IcalCalendar can indeed find a day event with the Title tag, but you are doing this wrong. You are telling the And card to check if an event with the name Title(from the When card) + Landet is ongoing, which i’m guessing is very wrong.

I’m assuming you want to know if the started event has the Title equal to Landet.

Swap out the And card with a Logic card like shown in the picture below.