[APP][Pro] IcalCalendar

HI, thanks for the great app! really love it and helps with various automation activities.

I do have a bit of a challenge with recurring events, and was reading in the notes, that many improvements have been made already.

My issue is the following:

I have a recurring event, which during import gets imported correctly. If however I remove one of those events from my agenda (remove occurrence, not the whole series), during import into Homey, this occurrence doesn’t get deleted is seems. If I add a separate event with the exact same content it recognizes it, and if I delete the separate made event or the whole series, the event is indeed no longer there also in the ical app in Homey.

So it seems that removing an occurrence from outlook from a series, does not remove it in your app. Or maybe I am doing something wrong? I did notice you had some improvement with respect to moving an occurrence in a series. maybe this is different somehow?

One thing that might impact this is the start-time of the recurring series? Maybe the import window does not work if the recurring event started months ago?