[APP][Pro] Heatit Controls app [v3.9.7]

ID109 and ID110 have different manufacturers IDs. So this should be the problem that the new device isn’t recognized by the HeatIt app. Is it maybe a rebranded device?

No it isn’t. Brand new in original boxes.

I am experiencing some of the same issues. I have 5 Z-temp2, a couple of years old. They have been working flawlessly for all times. Now they suddenly creates all kinds of trouble. Blocking other Z-wave devices from being paired, slowing down all Z-wave actions, disrupting actions on all other Heatit devices (z-dim).

I ended up resetting my Z.wave network and added all devices from scratch (not fun…). All went fine until I tried to add a thermostat, all failed once more. I decided to start from scratch yet another time (not fun at all…), and now I have left the thermostats out until I am sure they are working again.

Any ideas Heatit?


As you can see on the attached image, I now have 4 Z-wave components that are not reachable. 3 HeatIt Z-TRM3 and 1 HeatIt z-relay. It seems like it is always the same components that starts to have the problem first and this is the same units that has problem now also. One of them is only 1,5 meter away from the homey, so distance is not an factor. I also experience that the internal regulation in the thermostats is not working as they should when this happens as some floors are starting to be too hot and others too cold. Note that all of the units that are unreachable are showing a route with non existing units in the image.

HeatIt can you please have a closer look at this issue and give us a feedback?


I was able to add the thermostat as unsecure. Its been working flawlessly ever since. I dont understand why its not working as secure, but I would be very grateful if heatit could look at the issue.

Hi Eduem,
I have the same problem… how to add the thermostat on unsecure ?
Thank you for your help !

Hello @HeatitControlsAB as you can see a lot of people are using your products, which is great. But we are experiencing some issues, so it would be great if you could provide support. Thanks.

Use as code for pairing 0 0 0 0 0


One of my other Temp2 gave a low battery warning a few days ago. New fresh batteries installed, but still it shows 1% battery in Homey.
@HeatitControlsAB - Can you please check if there is an error in the app, or do I have to exchange my Temp2 units under warranty?


Would you have any news regarding my request ? Thanks in advance for your answer

Hi @HeatitControlsAB , have you had the chance to look into this? Right now my two z-push button 4 are useless since I can only add them as a simple z-wave device. I tried again after homey was updated to firmware 7.1.5, with no change.


@HeatitControlsAB any update on the power metering?

Hi @HeatitControlsAB . Any plans/timeframe for Homey Bridge support ?

It seems I am having the same problem - after Homey 7.1.5 update. One dropped out immediately, and two others have sinced dropped out. They’re not sending any info or responding to commands. I’ll try the factory reset. Did you have to remove (delete) them from Homey as well? Or just reset on the thermostat?

  • adrian
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@HeatitControlsAB I also have the issue with TRM3. I have 5. They become unreachable approx 48 hours and have to be re paired after that to keep working.

Is it possible to add options for status indicator with the ztrm3? I would like to display watts drawn by the thermostat on the card without having to enter options

Same issue here, after the last Homey update both the thermostat and the dimmer stopped communicating and are not responding to any commands. Anyone that have a working fix for this? Thanks

Hi everyone!
Sorry for the lack of activity on here, we’ve been working hard on an update which we hope will solve a lot of the issues people have reported here.
We know that after the 7.0.0 update on Homey a lot of problems have arisen but we suspect that the update which will release in just a couple of weeks will fix these most of the issues.
If anyone is still experiencing the same issues after the update please don’t hesitate to contact us.


Hi, these devices need to be exchanged, please contact your place of purchase.

Hi, support for the ZM Single Relay 16A will come with the next app update.

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