[APP][Pro] Heatit Controls app [v3.6.5]


I have some Z-TRM6 thermostats, used with Homey pro.
The app version is 3.6.2

In Homey pro, it is not possible to set the eco mode, not even in the flow.
The available mode is:

I have tried several times to remove/include the thermostat.
Any suggestions?
And what is the automatic mode?

In HP23, the color is “orange” (heating towards the heating setpoint) even if the current temperature is reached.
Is this thermostat to new for the app?


Edit: I have just tested the same Z-TRM6 with Homeseer HS4 pro, here the ECO modes is present.
I then guess it’s something with the Heatit app.


Sorry for the late reply as well, I did not receive an email notifying about a new reply to the forum.

In Group 1, it should be 1.1.
Can you try to reinclude the non-working thermostat?


We are indeed missing ECO, this will be added to our integration at a later date.
The colours are not something we have chosen, it is a standard function from Homey.


Many thanks for your reply.
Good to know that the ECO mode will soon be implemented.

There is nothing wrong with the colors themselves.
The colors show if the thermostat (heater) is heating towards or cooling down/idle towards a set temperature.
The problem is that the TRM6 does not change color corresponding to heating or idle/cooling down, the status text does also not change.

With my TRM2fx, the color turns orange when heating towards the chosen set temperature.
If I decrease the set temperature, the color turns blue and the status text show “cooling down towards”.

With the TRM6, the color is orange and the status text is the same no matter if the thermostat is heating towards a set temperature or cooling down towards a set temperature.

As the photo shows:
this TRM is set to a set temperature at 22 degrees Celsius.
If I decrease the temperature to 18 degrees Celsius, the color should change to the same as the TRM2fx (blue) and the status text should change to “cooling toward” as the TRM2fx does.
This must be a bug?


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As far as I know, the text and colour is not something we are able to control.

It’s not all about the color.
The TRM2fx and the TRM6 behave differently.

Both set to 22 degrees
Then I change the set temperature to 18 degrees on both.

TRM2fx turns blue and display “cooling towards” 18 degrees, meaning cooling/idle against 18 degrees.

TRM6 remains orange and still display “heating towards” 18 degrees, as my photo show.
Since the current temperature is 21.8 degrees, you can’t be “heating towards” 18 degrees.
The correct information should be as the TRM2fx display, “cooling towards”.

This must be a bug in the Heatit app?
I can’t understand that this could be related to Homey, but I could be wrong…

The Heatit and Cooling towards is not something in the device itself.
From what I’ve read, this is a thing Homey controls.

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I have 5 Heatit thermostats Z-TRM6 installed in my home for managing electrical floor heating.
To add each of the thermostats to the Z-Wave network, I took my Homey Pro 2023 and put it near to the thermostat, waited until the Z-Wave network was available, and added the thermostat.

After having added all 5 thermostats, I took the Homey Pro 2023 back to its standard central location in the house. Since then, the thermostats were not connected anymore to the Z-wave network, or only very occasionally at times. The thermostats are unreachable. Very occasionally, there is a successful test, but most of the times the test is unsuccessful. Also healing the connection does not help. It is an unstable situation.

I have a network of 35 Z-wave devices. All but 2 are non-battery Z-wave devices, so they act as repeaters. There are quite a lot of these Z-wave repeater devices nearby the Heatit thermostats, like Fibaro Smart Plugs, Shelly Qubino Wave 1PM, Aeotec Multisensors 6, Aeotec Multisensors 7, and other Heatit Z-TRM6 thermostats. I have restarted Homey many times, worked with https://tools.developer.homey.app/tools/zwave to test and heal the devices, but nothing works to reach the Z-TRM6 thermostats in the Z-wave network.

Could anyone please help to solve this issue?

I have raised this question to Athom and they have responded.
After some testing with assistance from Athom, they concluded that this is related to the thermostat:
“It looks like this is a setting in your thermostat.
What you could do, is create a flow for this. For example: if the temperature is above 20 degrees, switch status to cooling”.

Making a flow for this is not a solution for me.
I hope that Heatit could solve this problem, is it a FW issue or is it related to the Heatit app?

The photo show how my TRM-2fx and TRM6 respond.
The set temperature is normaly set to 22 degrees, and then I change it to 18 degrees for this test.
After a few seconds, the TRM2fx change color and displays “cooling down towards”.
The TRM6 still displays “heating towards” 18 degrees…

It’s not supposed to be like that, or?

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I got it working!

I’m struggling to find any good documentation on this grouping logic so I’m not sure what I’m doing…

I changed the group for the problematic unit from 1.1 to 1.2. without restarting anything and it started updating immediately. I let it run like this for 24h and all was good.

But thinking 1.1 is the right group for it, I changed it back to this. And it’s still working :slight_smile:


I have a Z-Relay paired to a HP-23. I have a 10K NTC probe connected to Sensor 1 to read temperature, but the temperature value isn’t updated unless i restart the app. I have tried altering the settings for the update frequency in the device preferences without success.
The value is updated every time I restart the app, and this value seems to be correct.

The relay with it’s sensor setup was working perfectly last year when connected to my old HP-19, I haven’t touched it physically just changed the Homey Pro.

Anyone having a solution?

I see you’ve been in touch with one of my colleagues through the ticket system. Are you okay to keep working on the issue with them?

We’re not entirely sure how this colour and text change is handled.

Automatically switching to cooling when it goes below the setpoint is an extremely bad suggestion from Homey, this would invert the thermostat logic, and turn on the heating cables and continue heating.
The Minimum and Maximum limiters would also not do save your floor, as the thermostat then would think it is actively cooling.


That’s good to hear.

All our manuals can be found on documents.heatit.com.

For most Z-Wave devices, you can have 1.1 in group 1.
Group 1 is the lifeline group on Z-Wave which is where the device communicates all it’s device information, such as temperatures and powermetering values.
1.1 means it is in MultiChannel mode, when set to 1, it is in SingleChannel mode.


You will need to change the associations on the Z-Relay as follows:

What I see with my TRM-2fx is that the text shows “cooling towards” a given setpoint which is lower than the actual temperature. As in my screenshot, where the actual temperature is 22.4 degrees and the setpoint is 18 degrees.
The 2fx thermostat is not drawing any power at this moment, meaning that is naturally cooling down to the new setpoint.
This is the expected behavior I guess.

My concern is that the 2fx and the TRM 6 behaves differently as mentioned before:
Look at my screenshot in the post above.
2fx and TRM has an actual temperature around 22 degrees, then the setpoint is changed to 18 degrees.

Both stop to heat (no current) and the 2fx show “cooling down towards” 18 degrees.
But the TRM6 still show “heating towards” 18 degrees, which is a misleading information
(The TRM6 does NOT heat at this moment either, it is also naturally cooling down the floor).

I think the way the 2fx integration is made is that is has a workaround for this “Heating Toward, Cooling Toward”.
Both work exactly the same, they both heat, and then stop heating when the temperature goes above the setpoint.
Cooling towards isn’t really a “correct” thing to show either in my opinion, as the 2fx doesn’t cool anything.

We are in discussion with Homey as to how this works and what we can do to fix it.


Is it possible to set minimum dim level? Didn’t see it in the settings.


I’m using the Z-TRM6 in power regulator mode to control a pipe heat cable without a temperature sensor. In this mode, the temperature is still shown in Homey and I’m only able to set temperature, not the effect in percent.
In want to change the power based on outside temperature read from Netatmo, but there is no flow for this. I see from comments above that Heatit is looking into this, which is good. I also need to turn the heating on and off using flows. This is not possible either.
Will it be possible to have the temperature gauge in Homey replaced by a 0-100% gauge when running in power regulator mode? The internal sensor has no meaning when controlling sources in another room.

I have the same problem. I hope that there is a solution now for this issue.
I have software version 1.2 and hardware version 1, running on Homey pro 10.0.3. For now I installed then thermostat unsecurely (00000) but I want to have it connected securely ( otherwise Iwould have bought a cheaper zigbee thermostat.) thanks @HeatitControlsAB