[APP][Pro] Heatit Controls app [v3.6.5]

Do you know if the other automations can be set to choose which sensors it should prioritize?
If they’re not connected they usually show 0.

Yes they showed 0 until recently. Now they show negatives. For instance Tibber steers based on the floor temp if it is reported as non-zero.


I have Heatit ZM termostats that I want to control via Heatit Z-Temp2 as an master,
I know this is possible via Groups, but I dont know how to do this.

Manuals (show`s Groups):

Thanks for any help! :slight_smile:

  1. install the app Heatit Controls App voor Homey | Homey
  2. make flow : WHEN temp is below 20 THEN switch on floor

I have no idea where I can find your screen prints. Not from Homey I think.

Thanks for reply,
The screenshot is from Homey web version.

Can you be more spesific about the flow?
What I want is that when I ajust the temperature on ZTemp2 unit the ZM Termostat`s ajust at the same temperature.
From what I read I need to set up Groups.

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It is more fun to make the flow your self. It is the best way to learn by doing. And because I don’t have the same devices as you have, we would have a very complicated and frustrating discussion. As well about what you want as about the implementation of the flows.

  1. So go to flows, make a new flow, start the flow with “if this flow has started, to allow manual starting the flow, skip the AND part and in the THEN part discover which actions (cards) are provided to turn the heat on.

  2. when you have managed the flow is starting the heater, discover the available cards in the WHEN part which suites your needs when to start the flow by it self. Could be time, but mostly likely the temperature. So search the card tree and pick a card from your thermostat.

That is best done with association, not flows. The association is done on the ZTemp2 . About the groups, read the manual of ZTemp2. As an example, in my screenshot i associate some buttons on a battery remote to control som Z-Wave lights. I use the ID for the light in the right group. (The ID-1 is the Homey Hub, you may not need it)

@HeatitControlsAB Congrats on the Z-TRM6 launch! Can you please add flow cards related to the power regulator mode?

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I have 4x Z-TRM3 in my cabin and I’m very happy with them and how they interact with HP2023.

But one of them is not reporting temperature, energy, effect etc as it should. The thermostat is super responsive when I work with it from the Homey app.I.e change set temp or switch display between set temp/ measured temp. Effect is visible immediately.

But Homey app says last measured temperature is 5 days old.

The advanced settings are exactly the same as the other 3 thermostats, except for the node number. I believe they are all default values.

What can be the issue here?

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I’m trying to use the HeadIt Z-Dim for controlling 2 lights:

Light 1: 1x push for on/off + dim through turn button
Light 2: connected to Fibaro Dimmer 2; 2x push on Z-Dim for on/off (works fine) and turn button to dim (don’t know how to do)

Can anyone help me think on how I would be able to dim Light 2 / Fibaro dimmer 2 through the turn button on the Z-Dim?

Thank you!

Could you check this issue with Homey? We’ve not had any other reports of this issue.

The Z-Temp2 does not support association groups which can control the setpoint on another device.

I also see your Group 1 is empty, for singlechannel nodes, this should show 1 and for multichannel nodes it should be 1.1. If you don’t have these associations, the devices won’t report their statuses to the Homey.

Thank you! We will look into adding more flow cards for the thermostat.

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Can you show me your association groups?
It sound like it might be an issue with the group 1 association.


Are you wanting to control both the connected light on the Z-Dim in addition to controller another light on a Fibaro Dimmer2?

Below is an image of the Z-Dim association groups, you would want to use 2 for controlling a dimmable light and group 3 for controlling non dimmable light sources.

I have several Z-TRM3 in my home. They control electrical heating under wooden floors with a floor sensor. As these floors are heat sensitive (must not exceed 27 degrees) I would like the floor sensors to frequently report the measured temperature to avoid overheating. Right now the frequency is very unstable. Occasionally the reported temperature might not change for 1 hour or longer. Is there any way to adjust this? In the advanced settings for the unit I have set Temperature report interval to 60 (S), and the temperature report threshold to 1 (C).

What do you need the frequent reporting for? Are you using flows to control the maximum temperature instead of the AF mode on the thermostat itself?

I use the “floor mode” on the thermostat to regulate the heating in the floor. If the report frequency is “too slow”, this could lead to the floors overheating above the threshold of 27c. How often the floor sensor reports temperature appears a bit random. Is it possible to adjust the frequency?

The thermostat has a built-in max limiter for the different sensors.
The report interval does not have anything to do with this function as it is controlled internally in the device.




Sorry for the late reply, but I needed to change the Homey language to English before replying to make sure I don’t do any translation mistakes when I reply regarding the association groups. And in order to do that, I needed to restart Homey. And of course I got an update from the troublesome Z-TRM3 immediately after reboot.

But it turns out that update was a one off. I have not gotten any further updates since than

I have very little knowledge about z-wave association groups, but the advanced settings tells me they are all the same:
Bathroom1 = Group 1 1.1
Bathroom2 = Group 1 1.1
Hall = Group 1 1.1
Livingroom = Group 1 1.1

It’s the Livingroom one that is not working properly. This is the one closest to the Homey box. Like 3 m away with free line of sight.

Should I try to change any of these settings? To what?

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