[APP][Pro] F1 TV for Homey


F1 TV for Homey

This app allows Homey to respond to the news video’s from F1 TV.

Currently supports posting…

  • :memo: Messages on new video’s
  • :video_camera: Video’s within message

Use in flow to trigger something, for example speech so Homey tells you what is happening.

Download in the Homey App Store!

:gear: Install this app on your Homey and create a flow!

:speech_balloon: Supported languages:

  • :uk: English
  • :netherlands: Dutch

:computer: Apps made by @LRvdLinden

See for more apps link below 👇🏻 or just open the pull down.


If you appreciate this apps, contribute to future development by making a paypal contribution

or buy me a couple of :beers: or a :coffee: with iDeal or Bunq.me or become a surporter on Patreon