[APP][Pro] Device Capabilities - Enhance the capabilities of devices

No, afaik it looked alright.
But when i use reflect, it will show it very differently in the device-log of the real lamp.
So i need to specificly test this on the HP2023.

Could you send me the TEF for that AVD?
I’ll look into it when i can, but not tonight :wink:

For what it’s worth and FYI:
On Pro19 I had similar motion sensor issues with the group app by Jamie, and the Tuya Cloud app.

When those apps were updated, and / or restarted, all (grouped) motion sensors reported a motion alarm by themselves.

Maybe it’s related.

@Heula now you know why I update most apps + Homey myself, not automatically :crazy_face:

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I think the issue can be found in this setting in the image. I have removed that setting for now to see what happens. Can you confirm this setting is good or wrong?
Edit: I also notice when I do a repair to any of my light avd’s and hit save all the lights in that avd turn on.

I can’t send the TEF because of this error I get when I hit reply.

Uncheck the Include Icons option during Export.
And Uncheck the Include Flows.

I only need the AVD background/real settings.

Here you are.


Do you have any flows connected to this AVD?
If so, please share a print-screen?

I cannot yet simulate this issue, i have create a lot of VD devices to test it, but there is nothing happening when i restart DC (tested it on the HP2023).

Two different flows.
One that came with the avd and one that controls my sensors.

LOL, this flow is ment for “old” AVDs without reflect/react :wink:

Which template was this? This one?

That is the template I used back than.
Now I get why this happens, I already turned off all the reflect options in all of them and it looks like that solved it for now.

Do I have to setup all my light avd again with a new template?

Well, i don’t have a great Template for use with reflect/react yet.
The import module in which you can set your own devices only work for importing flows (of AVDs), i don’t have a configurationpage yet when importing an AVD with reflection to change the devices to your own during import.

Issue what you had, is that it used reflect and react, but you also had flows handeling the same logic :slight_smile:

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Okay, clear. I have removed those reflect en react settings and will have look at the logic of the flows.
Perhaps you can point me in the right direction what same logic you mean?

If I want to use the reflect and react options should I disable this flow than? Or does that make no sense?

I made a ticket at Athom about this “Homey bug” and they responded like this.

Hi Alex,

Thank you for reporting this issue.

Unfortunately, this issue concerns an app that is not developed by us, but by one of our valued community developers.
You can contact the developer of this app via the Homey App Store. Please contact him so he is aware of your reported issue.

If you have any issues regarding the Homey software or mobile app, feel free to contact us again.

I hope I have handled your support request to your satisfaction, even though I was only able to point you in the right direction this time, which is why I will close this ticket now. Please feel free to reopen this ticket by replying to this message if you need any further support.

Thanks again for your input, we appreciate it!

I wish you a great day and a lot of fun with Homey!
Best Regards,

The Athom support team.

That suckes, because a common.x on a boolean tag has nothing todo with my app.

I have reported back that you have told me it’s a Homey bug.
We will see how they respond next. :wink:


The below flowcard has been bugfixed

  • When you set a new/first flowcard for a device.capability, the duration would be based on the current moment. It will now check when the capability of the device was set, and if the condition is true, then the moment of triggering would be based on the moment the capability was last set.
    Meaning: If you set a flowcard for a duration for f.i. a minute, and the capability meets the condition and was last set more then one minute ago, the trigger will be activated directly after saving the flow.
  • When setting the card for the first time for a new device and/or capability, it would not always validate the condition correct and thus not be set correctly and would only get active after the capability changed.
  • When a flowcard would be deleted (and there was no other flowcard for that device.capability, and a new flowcard would be set for the same device.capability, the moment when the card would be triggered would be wrong.
  • When the app was updated or restarted, and any of the flowcards would be updated (meaning saved or flow en-/disabled), it could be wrongly triggered or not triggered.

Update to 2.14.0 to resolve these issues.


Athom has answered already again.

Hi Alex,

Thank you for your reply and for letting me know you’ve contacted Arie about this issue.

The developer knows how to contact us, regarding this issue, so he and our developers will discuss the issue.

For now this is all I can do for you, which is why I’m closing your ticket. If you need additional support, please feel free to re-open your ticket by answering this email.

I wish you a great day and a lot of fun with Homey!

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
I wonder, irony or just a wish ?

In case anyone was also struggeling for hours with:

Converting the first one of the values from 0 - 1 to 0 - 100

I used this as BLL expression:


Result @ mobile tile:


To convert the other values, I entered this as BLL expression (Unit):

'%\nT: ' +$values[1]*100 + '°C'

Notice the temperature now is multiplied by a 100 :wink:

Screenshot from 2023-06-16 18-40-40


When the client or user tag is empty, then this information isn’t available in Homey at all?
I want to check who changed the AC temp, to determ if it was a manual action or not.

Indeed, that is not saved for numbers, only yes/no (buttons).